
Frag is a 3D first person shooting game written in Haskell, by Mun Hon Cheong

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Author: Mun Hon Cheong (mhch295@cse.unsw.edu.au)

Program: Frag - a FPS i put together using Haskell and with Yampa

Year: 2005, 2007-8

Builds with ghc 8.0.2

License: GPL

Usage: $ frag leveleg

'leveleg' can be an arbitrary Quake III Arena level; a default level is provided in this package, and is installed in 'share/frag-1.1', wherever that is. For example, if it's installed into ~/bin, and frag occupies ~/bin/frag, a successful invocation might be 'frag ../share/frag-1.1/leveleg'.

Requirements: A graphics card with support for multitexturing and vertex arrays
First time:
 stack init
 stack setup
 stack install
    ghc --make -O2 -fglasgow-exts main.hs
    cabal install --dependencies-only

    runhaskell Setup configure --user --prefix=/home/foo
    runhaskell Setup build
    runhaskell Setup install

    ./buildFrag.sh for all above

Controls: mouse moves around the view, 'w'\'a'\'s'\'d' to move and strafe, 'space to jump, 'z' and 'x' to lock and unlock the mouse, left click to fire.

./runFrag.sh to run with default leveleg
