
Sometimes you need order

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform


All you need is a Comparable object:

import SwiftSortedList

struct MyObj : Comparable {
    var id: Int

func ==(x: MyObj, y: MyObj) -> Bool {
    return x.id == y.id
func <(x: MyObj, y: MyObj) -> Bool {
    return x.id < y.id

Then you can use the SortedList:

// create a new sorted list

var sl = SortedList<MyObj>()

// add an object

let mo = MyObj(id: 1)

// get an object

let mo2 = sl.getAt(0)
let mo2s = sl[0]
print(mo2 == mo2s)

// helpers functions

let size: Int = sl.count
let elements: [MyObj] = sl.array

// remove an object


// replace an object
let mo3 = MyObj(id: 3)
sl.replace(at: 0, with: mo3)
print(mo2 == sl[0]) // false
print(mo3 == sl[0]) // true

// loop

for el in sl.array {
    // do something with el


SwiftSortedList is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftSortedList"


Alessandro Miliucci


SwiftSortedList is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.