
Check that your scheduled tasks are still alive

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


ActiveSwitch stores last reported at timestamps in Redis so you can detect if cron style jobs are running at an expected interval.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_switch'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install active_switch


Configuration & Registration

First, configure ActiveSwitch, for instance in a Rails initializer:

# config/initializers/active_switch.rb

# configure the Redis client
ActiveSwitch.redis = Redis.new

# expect the big batch job to run within past day
ActiveSwitch.register(:big_batch_job, 1.day)

# expect the weekly mailer to run within the past week
ActiveSwitch.register(:weekly_mailer, 1.week)

Attempting to register the same name more than once will raise an ActiveSwitch::AlreadyRegistered exception.

Alternatively, you can register in one call with a hash:

  big_batch_job: 1.day,
  weekly_mailer: 1.week

Reporting In

After your scheduled task or background job completes, you can report it complete:

ActiveSwitch.report(:weekly_mailer) # => true

Attempting to report on an unregistered name will raise an ActiveSwitch::UnknownName exception. This prevents dead code paths or typos of names.

Alternatively, you can provide .report a block to yield:

ActiveSwitch.report(:weekly_mailer) { 2 + 2 } # => 4

Status Retrieval

Statuses can be retrieved with .all, .active, or .inactive:


# Returns hash of statuses with keys "big_batch_job" and "weekly_mailer"
#   {
#     "big_batch_job"=>#<ActiveSwitch::Status:0x007fbb9309e880 @name="big_batch_job", @last_reported_at=nil, @threshold_seconds=86400>},
#     "weekly_mailer"=>#<ActiveSwitch::Status:0x007fbb9309f990 @name="weekly_mailer", @last_reported_at=2017-12-03 23:02:42 -0800, @threshold_seconds=604800>}
#   }

# Returns hash of statuses with key "weekly_mailer"
#   {
#     "weekly_mailer"=>#<ActiveSwitch::Status:0x007fbb9309f990 @name="weekly_mailer", @last_reported_at=2017-12-03 23:02:42 -0800, @threshold_seconds=604800>}
#   }

# Returns hash of statuses with key "big_batch_job"
#   {
#     "big_batch_job"=>#<ActiveSwitch::Status:0x007fbb9309e880 @name="big_batch_job", @last_reported_at=nil, @threshold_seconds=86400>}
#   }

Individual status may also be retrieved with .status

# => <ActiveSwitch::Status:0x007fbb9309f990 @name="weekly_mailer", @last_reported_at=2017-12-03 23:02:42 -0800, @threshold_seconds=604800>

Status instances

A status instance can be asked for its values:

status = ActiveSwitch.status(:weekly_mailer)
status.name #=> "weekly_mailer"
status.last_reported_at #=> 2017-12-03 23:02:42 -0800
status.threshold_seconds #=> 604800

It can also be checked if active or inactive:

status.active? #=> true
status.inactive? #=> false
status.state #=> "ACTIVE"

A status is considered active if it was last reported within its registered threshold seconds.

Redis Storage

All data is stored in a single Redis hash to avoid n+1 roundtrip lookups to Redis when gathering all statuses. Care should be taken to avoid tracking too many switches to avoid overloading the hash. A maximum of about 1000 would be sane, and likely beyond typical use.

The hash is stored under the key active_switch_last_reported_ats and reflects the following format:

# Values are epoch seconds
  "weekly_mailer" => "1512371591",
  "big_batch_job" => "1512285202"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/bemurphy/active_switch.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.