
Game repo for GMTK Game Jam July 2023


Benjamin Duncan - Adam Shaeffer - Clark Shaeffer


1. Character Roles Reversed

  • Player plays as villan, fights heroes.
  • Play as boss of dungeon, fight heroes that come.
  • Princess saves knights, beats BBEG.
  • Dinner rolls eat people XD

2. Pun on words (roles -> rolls, i.e.: dice rolls, dinner rolls)

  • Driving game but only drive in reverse.
  • Rolling mechanic but you roll backwards.

3. (Meta) Reversing one role

Ideas for other games we might make

  • An "Ultimate Chicken Horse"-esque game where players take turns being the BBEG of a dungeon (adding traps and monsters) and being the heroes that invade it. The goal for the heroes would be to clear the dungeon while the BBEG would need to prevent/minimize the heroes from taking loot. At the beginning of each round, the roles would rotate, the BBEG would be provided with some traps & monsters to place and the hero players would have the opportunity to either change stats on their character or choose character presets that would appear (pre-made characters). The heroes would have to split the loot at the end of the round, to give competition between them too. PVP?? Any of y'all have ideas???