
How to download your slideslive video

Primary LanguagePython

Slideslive Download.

Last updated June 6, 2022.

This page describes how to download a slideslive presentation. The output is a single video file that shows the speaker and slides side-by-side.

  1. Install a Chrome extension that allows you to save the video resources: Save All Resources. Restart your web-browser.
  2. Navigate to the website hosting the slideslive presentation. Open the Developer tools and navigate to the far-right tab, titled ResourcesSaver.
  3. Start playing your video. Wait until it is done playing.
  4. In the ResourcesSaver tab, click Save All Resources. This includes all the relevant information to reconstruct the video, split into three types:
  • init_3_*.m4s and chunk_3_*.m4s: These store the speaker's video.
  • init_5_*.m4s and chunk_5_*.m4s: These store the speaker's audio.
  • slides.json: This is a simple json file indicating when each slide should be shown.
  • *.png: These are the slides.
  1. Copy the above files into a "flat" directory. You should now have a single folder with the ~100s of m4s files, ~10s of png files, and one json file.

  2. Combine the m4s files into an mp4 video:

cat init_3_*.m4s >> video.m4s
cat chunk_3_*.m4s >> video.m4s

cat init_5_*.m4s >> audio.m4s
cat chunk_5_*.m4s >> audio.m4s

ffmpeg -i video.m4s -i audio.m4s -c:v copy -c:a aac video.mp4
  1. Make a video from the slides and JSON metadata file: python make_slides.py
  2. Combine the speaker video and slide video into a single side-by-side video:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i slides.mp4  -filter_complex '[0:v]pad=iw*2:ih[int];[int][1:v]overlay=W/2:0[vid]' -map '[vid]' -map a:0 -c:v libx264 combined.mp4

These instructions are provided as-is, without any maintenance or ongoing support. If you have issues with these instructions, please submit a pull request.