
A Qrexec companion for the policy breakers.

Primary LanguageVim Script


A Qrexec companion for the policy breakers.

Table of Contents


  • File types: Qrexec Policy, Qrexec Policy Service, Qrexec Config
  • Syntax Highlighting: strict check, errors are emphasized
  • Lint integration: native mode or via plugins (Dispatch, Ale)
  • Code completion: based on syntax and previous entries
  • Spell file: good words list


Vim version 8.2 or newer. Planned support is for the lowest Vim version found when comparing Dom0 Stable and Debian Stable.


With Vim 8.0 and beyond, you can use the native package method.

Clone the repository and move it to the pack autostart directory:

git clone https://codeberg.org/ben.grande.b/vim-qrexec.git vim-qrexec
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start
mv vim-qrexec ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/
vim -u NONE -c ":helptags ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/vim-qrexec/doc" -c q

If you don't have your ~/.vimrc configured yet, you will need the following options to take advantage of this plugin:

syntax on
filetype plugin indent on


If you need help, read the reference manual with :help qrexec. On the other hand, if you found the help file confusing, you found a bug and wish to report, please open an issue.


Copyright (c) Ben Grande. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license