Pine Perf Tests

Creating azure function to run tests in docker container

  1. Fill in the .env file with necessary info (see .env.example).
  2. Download Azure CLI and login to the subscription you'll use.
  3. Run ./src/utils/setupAzResources.js {resourceGroup} {storageAccount} {region} {functionPlanName} {functionAppName} PinePerfTests benpolinsky/pineperf:latest. You'll need to have a created resourceGroup with the ability to generate connection strings.

Note - to run in multiple regions, set the region to 'All' and the script will deploy in east-us, australia central, and brazil south.

Argument Description
resourceGroup The resource group to create the resources in - this must be created beforehand
storageAccount The storage account to create the blob storage in.
region The region to create the resources in. set to 'All' to deploy in east-us, autralia central, and brazil south
functionPlanName The name of the function plan to create.
functionAppName The name of the function app to create.
PinePerfTests The name of the function method to run. This should be left as-is.
benpolinsky/pineperf:latest The docker image to use. This is the image that contains the tests and should be left as-is

At the end of this script, a url you can hit to run the function and tests will be returned. A simple curl request will suffice:


In addition, there's a simple shell script to run the tests consecutively. Provide the url, and the number of times you'd like to run the fn. ./ 10

After finished running your tests, you can gather some data by running pnpm parseReports. This will output some stats to the console and produce a number of files in the src/chart-app/data folder.

When you are finished with your resources, you can delete them from azure with the teardownAzResources script: ./src/utils/teardownAzResources.js {resourceGroup} {storageAccount} {functionPlanName} {functionName} The above script is not behaving well right now, so you may need to manually delete the resources in the azure portal.


This repo contains config and scripts for running artillery performance tests in a docker image inside of an azure function. The docker image primarily allows us to not run dependencies on the az fn. NOTE The images for node azure functions are big! If you'd like to run the tests in a different environment, we'd recommend using a slimmer image.

Running the tests in a child process

Unfortunately, Artillery does not have an official Node API. This requires us to run the tests in a child process. Apparently, there was at least some undocumented support for running from node. This should be investigated as time permits as spawning a child process from an az function is not ideal.

Running the tests on cold starts

In order to replicate cold starts consistently for every test run, we need to delete the provisioned iModel backend before starting the tests.

This is optional, you can also run the performance tests on a warm backend too. This is feature flagged behind a deleteBackend env variable, which can be enabled by passing true.

To run the backend deletion, you'll need the following env variables:


We also have a needChangesetId env variable that can be enabled by passing any value in, which will output the changesetId of the imodel the tests run against.

Optional second stage

By passing a PAGE_RELOAD=true in your environment variables, you can trigger a second stage after the first time the viewport loads. This second stage will refresh the page, and wait until the viewport loads a second time. By toggling this stage, and the deleteBackend env variable, you can compare the time between a cold startup and a warmed startup.