
Python program to monitor the availability status of Adidas products. Supports Adidas UK, US, CA, AU, NL, DE, NZ, IT, CZ, DK, FR, ES, BE, CH, MY, BR, SG, RU. Requires Python 3.6 or above

SMS setup (optional)

  • Signup for free trial account
  • Verify your account with the phone number you want to use
  • Get a free trial number
  • Save your SID and Auth token


  • webhooks - list of your Discord webhooks (as strings)
  • refresh_time - how often to refresh (in seconds)
  • products - list of JSON objects to monitor, each with region and PID (supported regions are listed above)
  • sms_sid - your Twilio SID (leave as null if not using SMS support)
  • sms_auth - your Twilio auth token (leave as null if not using SMS support)
  • twilio_number - the phone number you got from Twilio (leave as null if not using SMS support)
  • your_numbers - list of your phone numbers (as strings) (leave as null if not using SMS support)

Everything should be a string (surrounded by ") other than refresh_time Make sure to include the country code for all phone numbers

Example config.json

To Run

  • Download and run the appropriate Python installer from here (skip this step if you already have Python 3.6 installed)
  • Install requirements in requirements.txt using one of the following commands
    • Windows: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Mac and Linux: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit config.json
  • Put proxies in proxies.txt or clear file to run without proxies
  • Run using using one of the following commands
    • Windows: python
    • Mac and Linux: python3