Crafty.js Homepage

This repo contains the content and infrastructure for
Changes should be directed to the source subdirectory, the pages will be generated from them.

How to build locally

Building the website requires that npm and grunt be installed globally. Then run npm install to download the necessary packages.

  • grunt assemble will build the website, drawing content from the source subdirectory
  • grunt connect will allow you to preview the website locally

How to view and modify demos

The demos subdirectory is realized as a git submodule.
Any changes to the demo files should be directed to the craftyjs/demos repository.

After cloning this site repo, the demo files won't be available immediately. To view them, do

# clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd
# setup the demo submodule on your PC if it isn't already
$ git submodule init
# fetch the demo submodule files
$ git submodule update

To pull the latest changes from the demos repository, do

# setup submodule and fetch files
# don't worry, it won't do anything if you've done so already
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
# change to submodule
$ cd demos/
# you are now in separate git repo belonging to this submodule
# all git commands are directed to this submodule
# update the submodule
$ git checkout master
$ git fetch origin
$ git rebase origin/master
$ cd ..
# you are now main git repo again
# add the HEAD change of the submodule
$ git add demos
# commit now, etc