
lita handler

Primary LanguageRuby


lita-your-weather provides the ability to ask for the current weather conditions or for a 7 day forecast. This gem uses the www.apixu.com api to get the current weather and a 7 day weather forecast.


Add lita-your-weather to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-your-weather"

$ bundle install


Obtain an API Key from www.apixu.com Add the following to your lita_config.rb :

config.handlers.your_weather.default_location = 'City, State, Country'
config.handlers.your_weather.api_key = 'www.apixu.com Api Key'


Commands include:

$ lita weather or $ lita weather c

$ lita weather c Your_Location,Your_State,Your_Country

$ lita weather f

$ lita weather f Your_Location,Your_State,Your_Country