Data to Domain Mapping Issue

        public void Example_Scenario_Failing_Test()
            var dataParent = new DataParent()
                Id = "123",
                Value = "new",
                Children = new List<DataChild>() {
                    new DataChild()
                        Id = "1234",
                        Value = "new"

            var domainParent = dataParent.ToDomainParent();

            var child = domainParent.Children.FirstOrDefault();

            child.Value = "updated";

            Assert.Equal("updated", child.Value); // True
            Assert.Equal("updated", domainParent.Children.ElementAt(0).Value); // False

We expect the objects to be the same and so both values should have been updated. What the hell is going on? Lets take a look at the ToDomainParent method.

        public static DomainParent ToDomainParent(this DataParent dataParent)
            var children = dataParent.Children.Select(x => new DomainChild
                Id = x.Id,
                Value = x.Value

            return new DomainParent
                Id = dataParent.Id,
                Value = dataParent.Value,
                Children = children

Ok, seems reasonable enough but if instead of assigning Children = children we do this... Children = children.ToList() all our problems go away.

        public void Example_Scenario_Passing_Test()
            var dataParent = new DataParent()
                Id = "123",
                Value = "new",
                Children = new List<DataChild>() {
                    new DataChild()
                        Id = "1234",
                        Value = "new"

            var domainParent = dataParent.MapToDomainParentCorrectly();

            var child = domainParent.Children.FirstOrDefault();

            child.Value = "updated";

            Assert.Equal("updated", child.Value); // True
            Assert.Equal("updated", domainParent.Children.ElementAt(0).Value); // True

Why? Well turns out that if you don't ToList the Select statement you end up with the type SelectListIterator<EFCoreTesting.DataChild, EFCoreTesting.DomainChild> which implements IEnumerable. This means that when we call Children.FirstOrDefault() we re-evaluate the Select statement. Which is why if you call FirstOrDefault without ToList multiple times and compare the objects returned they will not be equal.

        public void Call_First_Or_Default_More_Than_Once_Objects_Shoule_Be_The_Same_Failing_Test()
            var dataParent = new DataParent()
                Id = "123",
                Value = "new",
                Children = new List<DataChild>() {
                    new DataChild()
                        Id = "1234",
                        Value = "new"

            var domainParent = dataParent.ToDomainParent();

            var child = domainParent.Children.FirstOrDefault();
            var child2 = domainParent.Children.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.True(child.Equals(child2)); // False

This is a really easy trap to fall into and can cause a number of difficult to diagnose issues. So, is there a nice way to remember that we need to call ToList ? Yes, we if we ensure we don't expose IEnumerable in our domain objects and instead expose ICollection, IReadonlyCollection , IList or IReadonlyList we will get compile time errors if we don't call ToList.
