
Puredata (Pd) abstractions for preset management, based on central [stash/hub] and small [stash] plugin objects

The UnlicenseUnlicense

[stash/hub] + [stash]

Puredata (Pd) abstractions for preset management, based on central [stash/hub] and small [stash] plugin objects

stash-help.pd screenshot


  • requires iemguts library (available via Deken)


  • connect [stash] objects to any number of objects to store and restore their values (connections are made via "cross-connecting" - inlet->outlet, outlet->inlet)
  • create a central [stash/hub] to control presets (store, restore, record, stop, save, load, ease, morph, etc.)
  • an additional [stash/arr <array_name>] object can be used to store and restore array values


  • handles all objects that output their state on bang input
  • save / load preset files
  • store (and restore) arbitrary amount of preset states
  • ease states with a variety of ease functions
  • morph between states with float input (0..1 or 1..0 - depending on start value)
  • record and play back value changes instead of single preset snapshots
  • additional helper object [stash/arr] facilitates management of array values
  • custom color and id definitions for [stash] objects

See help of [stash] object for example application.

Flags and messages


creation arguments

  • -color (black / <hex color>) to set the color:
    • color will be generated based on id if no argument is given
    • -color black will create a black object (this can also be achieved by just setting the -black flag)
    • you can set any hexadecimal value - e.g. -color #ddff22
  • -id <id>, <float> or <symbol> to manually set id via flag or simply by adding a float or symbol argument
  • -noease to avoid easing of values (and always directly jump to target value)
  • -debug to output id on creation
  • -p $0 to manually set parent's $0 (and avoid iemguts dependency)
  • -nogop to display as regular object without graph-on-parent


messages (can also be set as creation arguments)

  • <float> to restore preset of given id (snapshot or recording). if no preset is present, the id is selected (to store or record into)
  • restore <id> to restore preset of given id
  • target <id> to set target id for morph interaction
  • morph <float> to morph to target state with float input of values 0..1 morph can go in both directions, dependet on whether 0 or 1 is first registered value
  • store (<id>) to store values to given id (or to selected id if no argument is given)
  • load (<filename>) to load presets from file (or via file selection through openpanel if no argument is given)
  • save (<filename>) to save presets to file (or via file selection through savepanel if no argument is given)
  • delete (<id>) to delete presets at given id (or selected id if no argument is given)
  • click or edit to display preset data in [text] dialog (should not be edited there due to Pd bug when displaying and storing data with escaped \, and \;)
  • clear to clear all presets
  • record (<id>) to start recording to given id (or to selected id if no argument is given)
  • stop to stop recording (or playback)
  • showid (<0/1>) to display [stash] ids next to objects
  • grain <float> to set grain size for easing in ms (default is 20, since this is based on Pd's [line])
  • easetime <float> to set ease duration in ms
  • easemode <mode> to set ease mode (see functions below)


  • -p $0 to manually set parent's $0 (and avoid iemguts dependency)

ease functions

see [ease] abstraction help patch x/ease-help.pd

ease-help.pd screenshot


  • when creating a [stash] object, it will self-assign its id and then check among other [stash] objects in the patch whether the id is unique. it will repeat this process with random ids in a range of 0..999'999 until it finds a unique id (which in most cases should be instantly)
  • when storing a preset with [stash/hub], all [stash] objects get a store message, output a bang on their outlet and send back the numbers they receive from their inlet to [stash/hub] together with their id
  • easing and morphing are handled in the [stash] objects based on the messages they receive