  In order to facilitate the global drone enthusiasts to better assemble, debug, and use the aircraft, we open source some mechanical drawings for DIY use.

  We shared some (not involving commercial factors) 3D files, 2D drawings and other information of Believer, Freeman, Fighter,Striver mini,and Hero.

  If you can’t find the file you need, please email us and we will update it in time.

Our mission
  “makeflyeasy ”秉持“让飞行更简单”的信仰,专注于“小面积航测”,不断追求技术创新,做出简单、美丽、普世的产品,不断探索商业模式,缩短产品与用户的距离。
  "Makeflyeasy" adheres to the belief of "make flying easier", focuses on "small area aerial survey", constantly pursues technological innovation, makes simple, beautiful and universal products, and constantly explores business models to shorten the distance between products and users.


contact us
Email: makeflyeasy@qq.com
Website: www.makeflyeasy.com