
pidgin plugin for web wechat protocol

Primary LanguageRustDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

About Pidgin-wechat

pidgin-wechat is a protocol plugins for pidgin/libpurple, It's based on Web Wechat and support basic message receive and picture receive.


pidgin-wechat screenshot pidgin-wechat screenshot


You can using cargo to build it.

cargo build --release

Build dependencies

  • clang
  • libpurple (develop package)

build depends maybe not fully listed, I have just test on Archlinux with nightly rust complier.

You can download the complied binary file in Releases page.


If you build using cargo, the binary file is placed at target/release or target/debug directory.

To install this plugin, just need to copy to your plugins direcotry and restart pidgin.

mkdir -p ~/.purple/plugins
cp -f libwechat.so ~/.purple/plugins/


Now this project is still in technical validation, I need to test some wechat feature and thinking about how to implement it in pidgin.


  • login
  • send/receive text message
  • send/receive text message in group chat
  • receive image message
  • receive custom sticker
  • upload file & image
  • buddy icon
  • wechat official accounts
  • rich text message
  • voice message
  • built in sticker
  • system message notify


Most common problems:

  • login failed, you can see 1101 error code at your terminal, need to relogin.

the log of pidgin-wechat is print into standard output, need to start pidgin in your terminal, and then you can see it.

if it's crashed, you can use coredumpctl -1 info pidgin to check core dump info, it's very useful to find out problem.(ensure you are installed coredump package)

File list

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── README.md
├── screenshot
│   ├── 2017-04-13-211208_887x708_scrot.png
│   └── 2017-04-13-211409_302x579_scrot.png
└── src
    ├── chatroom.rs                                 struct of chatroom infomation
    ├── message.rs                                  struct of message
    ├── pointer.rs                                  a wrapper of raw C pointer
    ├── server.rs                                   core protocol file
    ├── user.rs                                     struct of user infomation
    └── wechat.rs                                   core pidgin interface file


Why using pidgin/libpurple?

The version of desktop wechat implementation has already exists and maybe has modern UI, but I want to login all my IMs in same tool(like IRC, MSN, etc). so I choose pidgin because it's support a lot of chat protocol.

Is red packet/custom sticker supported?

Not supported. because this program is base on web wechat protocol, so these feature if web wechat is not support, we can't either.


This project is licensed under WTFPL.