Ethos Promos Next.js Application

This is a promotional platform built with Next.js. The application allows users to visit different pages for various companies and submit their emails to receive promotional content. The emails are handled server-side and are sent using the SendGrid service. The application also uses MongoDB to store the submitted emails.

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • src/pages: Contains all the pages of the application. Each file corresponds to a route in the application. The _app.js and _document.js files are special Next.js files used to customize the overall layout of the application.
  • src/pages/api: Contains server-side routes. In this case, there's a submit_email route that handles email submissions for different companies.
  • src/pages/posts: Contains pages for different companies. Each page contains a form where users can submit their email. Upon submission, the email is sent to the /api/submit_email/[company] route, and the user is redirected to an affiliate link for the company.
  • src/utils: Contains utility functions. The sendEmail.js file is used to send emails.

Code Explanation


  • We import the useState hook from React to manage the state of the email input field.
  • The validateForm function is called when the form is submitted. It validates the email address using a regular expression and calls the sendData function if the email is valid.
  • The sendData function sends a POST request to the /api/submit_email API route with the email address as the request body. If the response is successful, it alerts the user and redirects them to the affiliate link. If there is an error, it alerts the user to try again.
  • In the return statement, we render the form with the email input field and submit button. We also add a style attribute to the email input field to fix the issue with white text being invisible (style={{ color: 'black' }}). Additionally, we set the background color of the container to #f0f4f6 to match the original design.
  • The onChange event handler updates the state of the email input field as the user types.


  • We import the MongoClient and ServerApiVersion from the mongodb package.
  • We define the MongoDB URI and database name (uri and dbName).
  • We create a MongoClient instance with the MongoDB URI and specify the server API version.
  • We define an asynchronous function that handles the incoming request and response. This function is the default export of the module.
  • We check if the request method is POST. If it is, we proceed to connect to the MongoDB database, insert the email address into the namecheap collection, and close the connection. We then send a successful response to the client.
  • If there is an error during the process, we log the error and send an error response to the client.
  • If the request method is not POST, we send a "Method Not Allowed" response.

Note: Make sure to replace 'YOUR_MONGODB_URI' with your actual MongoDB URI. Additionally, you may need to install the mongodb package using npm install mongodb in your Next.js project.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Change into the directory:
cd ethos-promos-next
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env.local file in the root of the project and add your environment variables:
  1. Run the application:
npm run dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.


Visit the home page at http://localhost:3000 and click on the links to visit the pages for different companies. Enter your email in the form and submit it to receive promotional content.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



Please modify it according to your needs.