
Yet another WebComponent builder...

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Yet another WebComponent builder...

Featuring typescript, decorators and JSX
Thanks awesome Javascript project names generator for that stunning name!
Thanks squarespace for that outstanding logo!


  • Declare custom elements using the @component decorator
  • Refresh the DOM when property decorated with @state changes
  • Listen to dom events using @eventListener decorator (support event delegation)
  • Watch attribute changes using @attributeListener decorator
  • Attach node directly using the @domNode` decorator
  • Render the UI using JSX via the render method
  • Uses virtual dom diff/patching to smartly apply changes to the UI
  • Virtual Dom diff/patching via Web Worker (when available)
  • Web Worker can explicitly be disbaled via the @component decorator : @component('my-component', {useWorker: false})
  • Uses Shadow DOM (when available)
  • Shadow DOM can explicitly be disbaled via the @component decorator : @component('my-component', {useShadowDom: false})
  • Support for extending native elements via the @component decorator : @component('my-component', {extends: 'div'})
  • Support custom element styling via the @component decorator : @component('my-component', {style: {div: { background: 'red' }}})

See it in action

Demos are available here : https://rawgit.com/ben8p/hellow-js/master/demo/index.html


  • add tests

Component example

@component('my-greetings', {
	style: {
		h1: {
			color: 'green',
			span: {
				'font-style': 'italic',
		label: {
			'font-weight': 'bold',
			margin: '0 15px 0 0',
}) // this adds the component to the CustomElementRegistry
export class MyGreetings extends HTMLElement implements JSX.ElementClass {

	@state() // any change to this property will re-render
	private userName: string = 'Mr. Nobody';

	@domNode('[data-node=inputNode]') // this will attach the node matching the css selector to the class member
	private inputNode: HTMLInputElement;

	private keyUpCount: number = 0;

	public render(): JSX.Element {
		return (<div>
			<h1>Hello <span>{ this.userName }</span></h1>
			<label data-refresh-count={ this.keyUpCount }>Fill in your name:</label>
			<input data-node='inputNode' type='text'/>

	@eventListener('[data-node=inputNode]:keyup') // listen to key up using event delegation. Without delegation it would be @eventListener('keyup')
	public onKeyUp(): void {
		this.userName = this.inputNode.value;


First you need to clone the repository, then use yarn install (or npm install) to install all dependencies.

Build the library

Run yarn build-lib (or npm run build:lib) to make a one shot build of the library
Run yarn dev-lib (or npm run dev:lib) to make an initial build of the library and keep watching for file changes.

Build the demos

Run yarn build-demo (or npm run build:demo) to make a one shot build of the demos
Run yarn dev-demo (or npm run dev:demo) to make an initial build of the demos and keep watching for file changes.
Run yarn demo (or npm run demo) to start the demo server. Then navigate to