
A corona virus tracker android application

Primary LanguageDart


A corona virus tracker android application

An android application that tracks the cases of corona virus accross the world It was developed using google's Flutter cross-platform framework. I fetched the Data from NovelCOVID API, get it here https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/8854915/SzS7R6uu?version=latest#84845016-70ae-4a1f-8e7a-d4b9a0289050.

Get the app here https://benacq.github.io/covidapp/


  • Displays the total number of cases, deaths, recoveries and other detailed information globally

  • Displays total number of cases, deaths, recoveries and other detailed information for a country of your choice, you h ave an option to choose whatever country you want

  • A visualization of how the pandemic has spread accross the world nicely dispayed on the map with a detailed information of the countries when a marker of a specific country is tapped.


If you intend to clone the source code and play around with it,

  • Navigate to ./android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • Look for this line <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY" android:value="@string/key"/>
  • Replace "@string/key" with your API Key activated with google map
  • The app will not run without that piece.