
Units of sound - server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Units Of Sound server side

all routes require HTTP Basic auth to access.

invalid username & password combinations will bre responded with HTTP Status Code 401


curl -X GET https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/login/ -i --basic -u example-user:example-password -H "Accept:application/json"


N.B. the centers route is also aliased as /center/ this route is depreciated and likely to be removed in future

###retrieve a list of centers

curl -X GET https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/centers/ -i --basic -u example-user:example-password -H "Accept:application/json"

###search centers

curl -X GET https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/centers?name=[search expresion] -i --basic -u example-user:example-password -H "Accept:application/json"

###retrieve a single of centers

curl -X GET https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/centers/[guid-of-center] -i --basic -u example-user:example-password -H "Accept:application/json"


N.B. the users route is also aliased as /user/ and /student/ this route is depreciated and likely to be removed in future

###create users

curl -X POST https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/users -i --basic -u example-user:example-password --data '{"username":"", "pw1":""}' -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json"

###get users

curl -X GET https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/users/[guid-of-user] -i --basic -u example-user:example-password -H "Accept:application/json"

###search users

curl -X POST https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/users/find --data '[JSON query]' -i --basic -u tutor:teacher -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

###search users

curl -X POST https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/users/delete --data '[JSON query]' -i --basic -u tutor:teacher -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json"


there is one route that currently does not require auth.

curl https://uos-dev.herokuapp.com/healthcheck

this should allways return a 200 response