
Puppet Openresty module. Forked from the puppet-nginx module at

Primary LanguagePuppet

Puppet module: openresty

This is a Puppet openresty module forked from the second generation of Example42 Puppet Modules.

Originally Made by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42, Developed by Ben Agricola

The openresty::resource:: classes and relevant code has been derived from https://github.com/zertico/puppetlabs-nginx.git which is a fork of James Fryman /PuppetLabs original nginx module

Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.

This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module.

For detailed info about the logic and usage patterns of Example42 modules read README.usage on Example42 main modules set.

USAGE - Basic management

  • Install openresty with default settings

      class { "openresty": }
  • Install openresty with some useful settings

      class { "openresty":
        worker_connections => 4096; # the default value 1024 cannot match the needs of a large site
        keepalive_timeout => 120; # increase this according to your app's responde time
        client_max_body_size => '200m'; # increase this while your openresty works as an upload server.
  • Disable openresty service.

      class { "openresty":
        disable => true
  • Disable openresty service at boot time, but don't stop if is running.

      class { "openresty":
        disableboot => true
  • Remove openresty package

      class { "openresty":
        absent => true
  • Enable auditing without without making changes on existing openresty configuration files

      class { "openresty":
        audit_only => true

USAGE - Overrides and Customizations

  • Use custom sources for main config file

      class { "openresty":
        source => [ "puppet:///modules/lab42/openresty/openresty.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/lab42/openresty/openresty.conf" ], 
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir

      class { "openresty":
        source_dir       => "puppet:///modules/lab42/openresty/conf/",
        source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir
  • Use custom template for main config file

      class { "openresty":
        template => "example42/openresty/openresty.conf.erb",      
  • Define custom options that can be used in a custom template without the need to add parameters to the openresty class

      class { "openresty":
        template => "example42/openresty/openresty.conf.erb",    
        options  => {
          'LogLevel' => 'INFO',
          'UsePAM'   => 'yes',
  • Automaticallly include a custom subclass

      class { "openresty:"
        my_class => 'openresty::example42',

USAGE - Example42 extensions management

  • Activate puppi (recommended, but disabled by default) Note that this option requires the usage of Example42 puppi module

      class { "openresty": 
        puppi    => true,
  • Activate puppi and use a custom puppi_helper template (to be provided separately with a puppi::helper define ) to customize the output of puppi commands

      class { "openresty":
        puppi        => true,
        puppi_helper => "myhelper", 
  • Activate automatic monitoring (recommended, but disabled by default) This option requires the usage of Example42 monitor and relevant monitor tools modules

      class { "openresty":
        monitor      => true,
        monitor_tool => [ "nagios" , "monit" , "munin" ],
  • Activate automatic firewalling This option requires the usage of Example42 firewall and relevant firewall tools modules

      class { "openresty":       
        firewall      => true,
        firewall_tool => "iptables",
        firewall_src  => "",
        firewall_dst  => "$ipaddress_eth0",

USAGE - VirtualHost

You have 2 different options to manage virtual hosts

  • Use the openresty::vhost define, whose logic and parameters are similar to Example42 apache::vhost and where you have to set your docroot and eventually a custom template to use:

      openresty::vhost { 'mydomain.com' :
        template => 'myproject/openresty/mydomain/openresty.conf.erb',
        docroot  => '/var/www/mydomain',
  • Use the openresty::resource::vhost define which has been ported from puppetlabs/openresty module and it provides more flexibility in the management of virtual hosts and single location statements (with the openresty::resource::location define).

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