
Primary LanguageTypeScript


🌟 `rizzdown` 🌟 - Markdown's Dazzling BFF!

Ever felt your Markdown filled with your beautiful prose were the wallflowers at the prom? Not when rizzdown is your date! Turn that md frown upside down and give your content the shimmer and shine it deserves! πŸŽ‰

Designed for technical authors and devs creating their linguistic empire using markdown content and SSG sites. Let's get your content poppin'!


  • πŸš€ Instant Enhancements: Upgrade from mundane to magnificent with a simple command!
  • 🌈 Markdown-Friendly: Designed with .md files in mind.
  • πŸ’‘ Frontmatter Magic: Auto-generate description, title, and # Overview, and even rewrite your original content!
  • πŸ¦₯ Exponential Backoff: We're gentle with the GPT API. No throttling woes here!

CLI Usage

  1. Installation:

    Get rizzdown into your toolbelt:

    npm i -g rizzdown

    OR just run on-the-fly with:

    npx rizzdown
  2. Command & Conquer:

    Navigate to your Markdown file's directory and simply:

    rizzdown enhance --dry-run myfile.md

    or do a whole batch

    rizzdown enhance --dry-run mycontent/**/*.md
  3. Adjust & Admire:

    Peek into your newly-enhanced Markdown file. Tweak as you see fit and bask in its improved glory!

How rizzdown Works

When I created rizzdown, I wrote this:

I have a CLI tool which enhances markdown files using ChatGPT by taking into account author, audience, subject matter, type of prose, and body content. It then produces a description and title for frontmatter and an # Overview. it can also rewrite the entire content if requested. everything is fully controlled by the command line, and it even has exponential backoff in case of GPT API throttling. You install it using npm i -g <tool> or npx <tool>

...and rizzdown turned it into...

Wait, no. Y-yo-you're reading it right now?!

That's right, I used rizzdown to write this readme.md! Look at that, you're the belle of the ball. Perfect for all you authors crafting SSG sites and wanting your Markdown to be not just readable, but rizzmarkable.

πŸ€– API


rizzdown offers a programmatic way to enhance your writing, leveraging the power of OpenAI. Create custom profiles to tailor the enhancement to your unique voice, style, and audience.

Getting Started

rizzdown runs on nodejs>16 only. It will not run in the browser.

npm i rizzdown
import { factory } from 'rizzdown'

const { generate } = factory({ profilePath, subjectMatter })

const rizzed = await generate(`Give me a funny 350 word summary`)

The factory function sets up the environment for generating enhanced content. factory supports these parameters. Everything is optional:

  • profilePath: Defaults to $RIZZDOWN_HOME/default, which is probably ~/.rizzdown/default unless you changed the RIZZDOWN_HOME environment variable. You can provide a custom path too, which is handy when you have profiles stored in your project repo.
  • promptIfProfileMissing: Default false. If set to true, the system will prompt you for profile information if any is missing.
  • maxConcurrent: Maximum number of concurrent OpenAI API calls.
  • subjectMatter: The main content you wish to enhance.

If you don't provide subjectMatter in to factory, you'll need to provide it when you call generate:

const rizzed = await generate(`Give me a funny 350 word summary`, {
  subjectMatter: `...custom subjectMatter...`,

More on Configuration and Profile Setup


  • By default, rizzdown uses ~/.rizzdown as the home directory for profiles. Customize this by modifying RIZZDOWN_HOME in .profile, .zshrc, or .bashrc.

OpenAI Secret Key

  • Store the OpenAI secret key within the profile directory as openai-secret-key.
  • Alternatively, use the OPENAI_SECRET_KEY environment variable. Any key passed in the environment will override any other secret key source.
  • You can also store openapi-secret-key in $RIZZDOWN_HOME. Any profile that doesn't have its own secret key defined will use this global key.

Profile Contents

A profile contains the following files:

  • openai-secret-key: Optional secret key to use with this profile only.
  • author.md: Author bio showcasing personality, background, and interests.
  • subject.md: Background information about the writing's subject.
  • audience.md: Description of the intended readership.
  • style.md: Description of the desired writing style, tone, and platform.


Factory Configuration

Content Generation

Use the generate function to create the enhanced content:

const content = await generate(prompt)

The prompt parameter defines the enhancement instructions, like "Generate a summary in 50 words or less". You can also use this to provide any final instructions on exactly how to craft the tone of the rizz'd result.

Advanced Features

Context Enum

The Context enum helps identify different parts of a profile:

export enum Context {
  Style = 'style',
  Author = 'author',
  Subject = 'subject',
  Audience = 'audience',


The system leverages the Bottleneck library to handle rate limits, ensuring the OpenAI API isn't overwhelmed.

Exponential Backoff

rizzdown gracefully handles retries with the exponential-backoff library, particularly useful if the OpenAI API requests get throttled.

πŸ›  Crafting rizzdown Profiles By Hand

Dive deeper into customization! Craft a rizzdown profile by hand and tailor the enhancement to your distinct voice, style, and audience. Here's how to get started:

Setting Up Your Home Base:

  • By default, RIZZDOWN_HOME is nestled snugly at ~/.rizzdown.
  • Crave a change? Add RIZZDOWN_HOME to .profile, .zshrc, or .bashrc. Adjust the path to wherever you'd like your rizzdown settings to reside.
  • Flexing those programmatic muscles? Point to any desired spot during programmatic access.

The OpenAI Key:

  • Create a openai-secret-key file within ~/.rizzdown. It should house your precious OpenAI secret key.
  • Feeling rebellious? Sidestep the file approach and use the OPENAI_SECRET_KEY environment variable. rizzdown will smartly fetch the key from there.
  • Bonus: Fancy using different keys? Store them safely inside individual profiles.

Crafting Your Profile:

Profiles can have any name your heart desires and reside in $RIZZDOWN_HOME/<profile-name>. Here's what you need inside:

  1. author.md:

    • Your spotlight! 🌟
    • Pen down a bio capturing your essence: personality, interests, capabilities, and maybe that one time you fought a dragon (or just debugged a legacy codebase).
  2. subject.md:

    • Your domain expertise.
    • Fill it with information you'd assume is common knowledge for your readers. It sets the stage for your prose's context.
  3. audience.md:

    • Meet your reader! πŸ“š
    • Describe their quirks, values, and their connection to your subject. The better you know them, the better rizzdown can tailor the content!
  4. style.md:

    • Your desired narrative vibe.
    • Clarify your prose type: Blog post? Technical document? Mysterious tale of the haunted mainframe?
    • Define the tone: Humorous or serious? Casual chat or formal seminar? Describe any quirks to make the voice uniquely yours.

Pro Tip: Remember, the better and more detailed your profile, the closer rizzdown can get to mirroring your unique voice and intention!


  • ✨ Perfect for SSG buffs: If you're all about static site generators, rizzdown will be your go-to for content enhancement!
  • πŸ€– Trust but verify: While rizzdown is one smart cookie, always review the magic to ensure it matches your voice and intent!

🧠 The rizzdown Intelligence: Crafting the Perfect Prose πŸͺΆ

You might wonder, "How does rizzdown turn my Markdown from mundane to magical?" The secret sauce isn't just algorithmicβ€”it's empathetic, intuitive, and tailored.

Deep Understanding

Here's how rizzdown finely tunes its enchantment:

  1. Intent of Writing:

    Whether you're penning a technical documentation, sharing thoughts in a blog, or weaving a world in a novel, rizzdown gets it. It understands the innate structure and nuances of different writing styles and molds its enhancements accordingly.

  2. Author's Bio:

    Your voice. Your style. Your unique flare. By absorbing tidbits from your bio, rizzdown ensures that the prose remains authentically you.

  3. Target Audience:

    Who are you writing for? Tech-savvy developers? Enthusiastic foodies? A general audience seeking knowledge? rizzdown tailors the content to resonate with your readers, striking the right chord every time.

  4. Subject's Background Knowledge:

    Every domain has its shared knowledge, its set of jargon, its common truths. rizzdown recognizes this and crafts content that's insightful without being redundant.

The Result

By synthesizing all these elements, rizzdown creates prose that:

  • Speaks in your voice πŸ—£
  • Engages your target audience πŸ‘₯
  • Resonates at the perfect knowledge depth πŸ“š
  • Aligns with the intended writing style πŸ–‹

Perfectly Tailored, Every Time

With rizzdown, you're not just getting enhanced content; you're getting content that fits like a custom-tailored suit, designed with precision and a dash of flair. Say goodbye to generic edits and hello to prose that truly pops!

πŸ— OpenAI API Key - The Magic Wand! πŸͺ„

For rizzdown to sprinkle its enchantment on your Markdown, it relies on some wizardry powered by OpenAI's GPT model. For this magic to work, you'll need an OpenAI API key.

How to Obtain Your OpenAI API Key

  1. Sign Up or Log In:

    Begin your quest by heading over to OpenAI. If you're already a member of this magical realm, simply log in.

  2. API Section:

    Once you're in, navigate to the API section. Here, you'll be presented with the option to generate your unique API key.

  3. Copy & Keep It Safe:

    Generate your key, copy it, and store it somewhere safe. Treat it like the precious artifact it is! πŸ“œπŸ’Ž

  4. Integrate with rizzdown:

    When running rizzdown, you'll be prompted for the API key. Simply paste it in, and voila! The magic flows!

A Word of Caution

  • 🚫 Never Commit Your API Key: If you're storing your API key in any config or settings file, ensure it's ignored in your version control. You wouldn't want your magical powers to fall into the wrong hands!
  • πŸ“† Mind The Quota: OpenAI might have request limits depending on your account type. Be sure to keep an eye on your usage to avoid any interruptions in your enchanting sessions.

With your OpenAI API key in hand, you're all set to unleash the full power of rizzdown! Let the transformations begin! 🌌🌠


Love the dazzle and have ideas to sprinkle more fairy dust? We welcome contributions! Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines.