
Simple unix tool that display a list of all system users based on prefered options

Primary LanguageC++


Simple unix tool that display a list of all system users based on prefered options

listuser is written in C++ and uses only standard libraries


petanb@debian:~$ sudo listuser
Listing of all users in the system:
|Username:           |Is root:*|Login: |UID:  |Groups:                         |
|root                |Yes      |No     |0     |root                            |
|daemon              |No       |No     |1     |daemon                          |
|bin                 |No       |No     |2     |bin                             |
|sys                 |No       |No     |3     |sys                             |
|sync                |No       |No     |4     |nogroup                         |
|games               |No       |No     |5     |games                           |
|man                 |No       |No     |6     |man                             |
|lp                  |No       |No     |7     |lp                              |
|mail                |No       |No     |8     |mail                            |
|news                |No       |No     |9     |news                            |
|uucp                |No       |No     |10    |uucp                            |
|proxy               |No       |No     |13    |proxy                           |
|www-data            |No       |No     |33    |www-data                        |
|backup              |No       |No     |34    |backup                          |
|list                |No       |No     |38    |list                            |
|irc                 |No       |No     |39    |irc                             |
|gnats               |No       |No     |41    |gnats                           |
|nobody              |No       |No     |65534 |nogroup                         |
|libuuid             |No       |No     |100   |libuuid                         |
|petanb              |No       |Yes    |1000  |adm cdrom floppy sudo audio d...|
|sshd                |No       |No     |102   |nogroup                         |
|pulse               |No       |No     |109   |audio pulse                     |
|dnsmasq             |No       |No     |115   |nogroup                         |
 * This property is based on user ID as well as SUDO policies,
   proper detection of this property requires this tool to be
   run with superuser privileges

How to build

cd listuser and type


Note: you need to have C++ compiler in order to build listuser