
PHP simple framework - toolkit for html / js / css + many other various tools I often use on my projects

Primary LanguagePHP

This simple php framework makes it super easy to create full featured HTML pages with basically zero knowledge of HTML, CSS or JS. You create web pages just using the object oriented PHP code and nothing else.

See wiki for a complete documentation.

Please note that PSF is a work in progress and many features are missing now.

Example code

# Example webpage created with psf

# Create a html page
$wp = new HtmlPage("Example web page");

# Github link
$wp->AppendObject(new GitHub_Ribbon("benapetr/psf/blob/master/examples/website"));

# Create a line of text
$wp->AppendParagraph("This is an example web page");

# Create a html table
$table = new HtmlTable();
$table->Headers = [ "Sample", "header" ];
$table->AppendRow([ "1", "2" ]);

# Insert it to web page

#print it

See http://petr.insw.cz/devel/psf/psf/examples/website/ for result