
Simple graphs using jQuery and Raphael

Primary LanguageJavaScript

= SimpleGraph


== Description

Simple javascript graphs using Raphael and jQuery. 

Based on the Raphael analytics example (http://raphaeljs.com/analytics.html) by Dmitry Baranovskiy 

== Usage

The SimpleGraph function takes four arguments:

  target:: where the rendered graph will land
  data:: an array of values to plot against the y-axis
  labels:: an array of values for labelling the x-axis
  options:: hash of options to customise the graph (see below)
Simple example:

  $("#myGraph").simplegraph([1,2,3,3,2,1], ["a","b","c","d","e","f"]);
Will render a graph that looks a little something like this (open index.html for actual rendered samples):

  |   ._.
  | ./   \.
  |/       \.
  a b c d e f

== Options

SimpleGraph takes a hash of options as it's third argument. Here's what you can customise:

  eg. parameter:: [default] description

  width:: [600] width of rendered image
  height:: [250] height of rendered image
  leftGutter:: [30] space to reserve to the left of the graph. Allocates space for y-axis caption and labels
  bottomGutter:: [20] space to reserve above the graph. Allocates space for x-axis
  topGutter:: [20] space to reserve below the graph
  labelColor:: [#000] text color for all labels
  labelFont:: ["Arial"] font for all labels
  labelFontSize:: ["9px"] font size for all labels
  gridBorderColor:: ["#ccc"] background grid color, points will be plotted on the grid
  drawPoints:: [true] whether or not to draw points on the graph
  pointColor:: ["#000"] point color
  pointRadius:: [3] point radius   
  activePointRadius:: [5] active point radius - used when hovering on points    
  drawLine:: [true] whether or not to join points on the graph with a line
  lineColor:: ["#000"] self explanatory yah?
  lineWidth:: [3] self explanatory yah?
  lineJoin:: ["round"] round | miter | bevel - how to join the lines on the graph
  fillUnderLine:: [false] fill under lines
  fillColor:: ["#000"]
  fillOpacity:: [0.2]
  drawBars:: [false] want a bar graph?
  barColor:: ["#000"] need i explain?
  addHover:: [true] oh hover.. displays a little popup with y and x axis values for the selected point
  mysteryFactor:: [0] it's a mystery

== Contributors

Dmitry Baranovskiy provided all of the initial code for plotting points on a graph using Raphael
Ben Askins took that example and created the SimpleGraph function
Lachie Cox improved sample code
Lachlan Hardy removed lint
Martin Stannard added bar graphs
Colin Campbell-McPherson eliminated repetition from setStyleDefaults

Fork it on github: http://github.com/benaskins/simplegraph

Send feedback & suggestions to ben.askins [at] gmail.com

== License

Copyright (c) 2008 Ben Askins

Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license.