
This project expose wazo directory throught ldap protocol.


You can donwload the binary from the release page and execute it on your wazo server.


It is possible to filter the results returned by the plugin according to the cn and telephoneNumber attributes.

The base DN of the search must be the following: ou=phonebook,cn=potoo,dc=pm

Below are query example made with ldap search:

ldapsearch -x -b "ou=phonebook,cn=potoo,dc=pm" -H ldap://localhost:1389 -D uid=potoo -w MiCht+47QF496zoeyxa= "(cn=*test*)"
ldapsearch -x -b "ou=phonebook,cn=potoo,dc=pm" -H ldap://localhost:1389 -D uid=potoo -w MiCht+47QF496zoeyxa= "(telphoneNumber=800*)"


The help menu is available here :

      --version                      Show version number               [boolean]
  -v, --logLevel                     Set the loglevel [string] [default: "info"]
      --wazoHost, --wh               Set the wazo host
                                                 [string] [default: "localhost"]
      --wazoUser, --wu               Set the wazo username
                                      [string] [default: "potoo-ldap-phonebook"]
      --wazoPassword, --wp           Set the wazo password              [string]
      --ldapUser, --lu               Set the ldap user (required to bind to the
                                     server)     [string] [default: "uid=potoo"]
      --ldapPassword, --lw           Set the ldap password (required to bind to
                                     the server)
                                      [string] [default: "MiCht+47QF496zoeyxa="]
      --ldapPort, --lp               Set the ldap server listen port
                                                      [string] [default: "1389"]
      --ldapMaxResult, --lmr         Set the ldap max result returned by the
                                     server             [string] [default: "50"]
      --skipCertificateError, --sce  Skip the certificate errors when connecting
                                     to wazo          [boolean] [default: false]
  -l, --language                     Set the language used to display messages
                                  [string] [choices: "en", "fr"] [default: "en"]
      --help                         Show help                         [boolean]


  • Only basic ldap filters are supported
  • Only simple bind request are supported, ( no NTLM bind request, no digest MD5 bind request, no GSSAPI bind request )