
Jshell plus easy dependency loading via Gradle equals *nice*

Primary LanguageShell

Jshell playground

I often want to use jshell with some libraries. Here's the low-fi way of doing this:

CLASSPATH="/path/to/joda-time.jar" jshell
jshell> import org.joda.time.DateTime;

But I'm stuck with locating the right jar every time. Why not let a fancy build system do the heavy lifting?

// add something to the build.gradle in this repo
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 9

jshell> import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Abs;

jshell> new Abs().value(-1.0);
$2 ==> 1.0


Java 9. Make sure your JAVA_HOME points to it.