
A utility for maintaining Kafka topic state from an ini file.

Primary LanguageClojure

Manage Topics

This is a utility for maintaining kafka topic state from a .ini file.

The Basic Idea

Declare a list of desired topics and their configuration in a file. Then use this tool to sync state of your kafka cluster with that file.

The .ini file format looks like so:

# keys from the special DEFAULT section are used
# for every topic unless overridden
replication = 3
partitions = 10

replication = 1
partitions = 99
retention.ms = 1000000000
# unknown keys are ignored, viz.:
any_old_whatever = ignored

# just use the defaults

The known keys are:

To sync all the topics in your cluster:

manage_topics create
manage_topics check

For safety, excess topics will not be automatically deleted; if check reveals some, you should manually delete at your leisure.

Similarly, configuration changes are not performed by this tool, only checked. If there is a mismatch, check will alert you, and you should take steps to resolve the problem.

Other utilities

This tool has list and delete commands, because they are handy. list does what it says. delete will delete all topics from your cluster -- it'll prompt you for confirmation first. This is useful in a development environment, probably don't use it in production.


  • Automatically sync configuration changes
  • Expand delete to facilitate manual deletion of one or several topics
  • Tests to cover stuff that is currently broken (section in ini with no properties; partition/replication override from command line options; probably other things)


You'll need to install leiningen to build the project.

In case it's not obvious, you'll also need Java 1.6 or better.


lein bin -> produce a standalone executable at target/manage-topics.


You don't need Clojure or Leiningen to run a build executable. Just Java.


path/to/manage_topics --help