Pinned issues
- 0
[SUGGESTION] Adding `eslint-plugin-project-structure` to the project for validating folder structure and more, to automatically ensure scalability and consistency.
#199 opened by Igorkowalski94 - 3
Alternatives to destiny (project seems abandoned)
#182 opened by kachkaev - 0
- 4
- 1
Error in dynamic path imports
#169 opened by HrithikMittal - 0
Feature request - Allow placing files being fractalized _inside_ the folder
#170 opened by cheapsteak - 0
Destiny folder depth limit
#166 opened by michaelaflores - 1
Module with its leaf dependencies in same folder
#163 opened by Vakrim - 6
bug: file movement
#162 opened by TGTGamer - 4
- 3
Tests are failing in Windows
#157 opened by roguib - 1
Wrong shared file location
#143 opened by AnatoleLucet - 7
A robust way to resolve imports.
#123 opened by AnatoleLucet - 0
Support for Dart
#159 opened by NatoBoram - 3
Cannot find import .yml file in svelte import
#156 opened by tqwewe - 1
Dynamic Import Problem
#154 opened by RoMeAh-zz - 1
Debug file output's chalk characters
#136 opened by waynevanson - 3
React Native Project Import Image @1x, @2x, @3x
#115 opened by jigs611989 - 2
ignore `node_modules` directories
#138 opened by lifeiscontent - 4
Why use this project over webpack?
#152 opened by DGKSK8LIFE - 10
collapse top level index folder
#151 opened by benawad - 0
Benchmarking Destiny on CI
#150 opened by AnatoleLucet - 4
Support module aliases
#113 opened by SimeonC - 1
#147 opened by Robertfj - 6
Incompatible with TypeScript projects
#145 opened by andria-dev - 0
Markdown support
#146 opened by AnatoleLucet - 2
pre-commit hook
#116 opened by dcramer - 1
- 1
- 20
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
#135 opened by galkatz373 - 1
Destiny rewrite the first match to the original import path that he can find.
#128 opened by AnatoleLucet - 3
- 2
~Changes imports to use incompatible \\ (double backslashes) on Windows~ Duplicate
#141 opened by andria-dev - 3
ERROR: Cannot find import .
#132 opened by FrimJo - 5
double check tilde works
#125 opened by benawad - 1
Simplify imports
#119 opened by lifeiscontent - 1
- 3
Fails on imports that are part of a string
#111 opened by Rheeseyb - 1
Log the file where the import can't be found
#133 opened by benawad - 1
Does not work with React
#131 opened by hggaguilera - 5
- 1
Dependency cycle with TypeScript types
#124 opened by jdeniau - 4
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#120 opened by lifeiscontent - 1
Relative paths not working with React app
#118 opened by sumanthratna - 11
Feature Request/Exploration: `de-structure` flag
#112 opened by AHBruns - 0
Support query parameters in import statements
#122 opened by irudoy - 2
Files are not moved in a Typescript codebase
#108 opened by Anahkiasen - 0
Problems with global scss
#114 opened by adrian-goe - 1
Defining fixed point/public files
#110 opened by ForbesLindesay - 1
Test File Location
#109 opened by ForbesLindesay