MERN app for bank crud, with database management, and some ML features
technologies: MERN, handwriting OCR with a python script, and face recognition with faceapi.js.
- manage bank database and transactions, with 3 main collections: clients, bacnkaccounts, and tansactions log history.
- manage login for the bank manager with webcam login.
- manage input with either keyboard or stylus pen, in two languages: hebrew and english.
implementation notes:
- the mern app backend will seat on mongodb atlas cloud.
- the pictures will seat on the coud too for now. in case the memory will exeed the 500mb permitted, I'll find another solution.
- authentication - first part is to study the authentication with tokening, and then think about maybe authenticating transactions with the client face - only if the program will have also a part for the client login. need to consider this, and also the implocations on the database usage limits.
- the OCR will be written in python and then connected to the backend.(still need to figure out how)'
current timeline:
today: finding the way to use the handwriting ocr, and integrate it correctly to the node app.
maybe make the program choose between languages based on the input. (can it be done?)
fixing all bugs in the backend in the original bank project. getting it approved by the staff after I can show them it's possible.
also today: do all authentication part from udemy!
fullstack simple rest-api with mongodb(as mongoose), and express routing in nodejs. simple UI with react, and deploy in heroku
- server side with restapi - MVC style bankapi. 3 routers, models, and controllers - for the client transaction and bankAccount collections.
- client - simple UI for the api with react app and axios for the requests.