
KeyStorage is a simple secure key persistance library written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


KeyStorage is a simple secure key persistance library written in Swift. Persist passwords, preferences, and other key information quickly, easily and securely using the Keychain, NSUserDefaults or NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.


  • Strongly typed persistance to either Keychain, NSUserDefaults or NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
  • Built-in AES 256 encryption [feature in process]
  • Extensible - add new storage or encrytion providers
  • Keychain helpers for finding AccessGroup information


  • Xcode 10.3 or newer
  • Swift 5.0
  • iOS 11 or greater


KeyStorage is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "KeyStorage"


github "benbahrenburg/KeyStorage"


Copy all *.swift files contained in KeyStorage/Classes/ directory into your project.


There are five main classes in KeyStorage:

  1. KeyStorage - The protocol which all of the storage providers must conform
  2. KeyStorageCrypter - The protocol used to encrypt and decrypt key values
  3. KeyStorageKeyChainProvider - A keychain implementation of the KeyStorage protocol
  4. KeyStoreDefaultsProvider - A NSUserDefaults implementation of the KeyStorage protocol
  5. KeychainHelpers - Tools for workign with the iOS keychain


The KeyStorage githib wiki contains detailed examples of each method. Below demonstrates a few of the common uses to get you started.

Using NSUserDefault Storage Provider

The KeyStoreDefaultsProvider Storage Provider will read / write information from NSUserDefaults using the configuration options provided when the class is initialized. See the creation section below for more details on the available configuration options.

// Create an instance of the NSDefaults Storage Provider
// You can provide several options on creation. For this example we keep it simple
let provider = KeyStoreDefaultsProvider()

// This will return the default value as we haven't set anything yet
let demoString = provider.getString(forKey: "my-string", defaultValue: "Hello I'm a default value")
print("Demo default value \(demoString)")

// Now let's set the value
provider.setString(forKey: "my-string", value: "Hello World")

// Saving an Int Value
provider.setInt(forKey: "my-int", value: 42)
let demoInt = provider.getInt(forKey: "my-int")
print("Demo Int value \(demoInt)")

Using Keychain Storage Provider

The KeyStorageKeyChainProvider Storage Provider will read / write information from Keychain using the configuration options provided when the class is initialized. See the creation section below for more details on the available configuration options.

// Create an instance of the Keychain Storage Provider
// You can provide several options on creation. 
//For this example we provide a serviceName and accessible level
let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(serviceName: "my-app", accessible: .afterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly)

// This will return the default value as we haven't set anything yet
let doubleDemo = provider.getDouble(forKey: "my-double", defaultValue: 123.45)
print("Demo default value \(doubleDemo)")

// Now let's set the value
provider.setDouble(forKey: "my-double", value: 99.99)

// Saving an Date Value
provider.setDate(forKey: "my-date", value: Date())
let demoDate = provider.getDate(forKey: "my-date")!
print(" demo Date value \(demoDate)")

Save Options

Each of the KeyStorage providers has a variety of type safe options to save key information. Please visit the wiki for more details.

Return Options

Each of the KeyStorage providers has a variety of type safe options to read key information. Please visit the wiki for more details.

Actions / Helpers

KeyStorage provides a few methods to help you work with your StorageProvders.

exists - Returns a Boolean if the specified key exists

let doesExist = keyStoreProvider.exists(forKey: "Hello")

removeKey - Removes the stored value for the specified key

let success = keyStoreProvider.removeKey(forKey: "Hello")
print("was success? \(success)")

removeAllKeys - Removes all stored values for the KeyStorage provider

let success = keyStoreProvider.removeAllKeys()
print("was success? \(success)")

Storage Providers


The KeyStoreDefaultsProvider storage provider manages persistance to NSUserDefaults.

KeyStoreDefaultsProvider - Creation

The KeyStoreDefaultsProvider can be created with the following optional arguments.

suiteName : String

The specified app group name that will be used

let provider = KeyStoreDefaultsProvider(suiteName: "MyAppGroup")

cryptoProvider : KeyStorageCrypter

The encryption provider that will be used to encrypt and decrypt key values

let provider = KeyStoreDefaultsProvider(cryptoProvider: myCryptoProvider)

Combined Example

You can specify both if you wish to use an encryption provider and implement app group sharing.

let provider = KeyStoreDefaultsProvider(suiteName: "MyAppGroup", cryptoProvider: myCryptoProvider)


The KeyStorageKeyChainProvider storage provider manages persistance to iOS Keychain.

KeyStorageKeyChainProvider - Creation

The KeyStorageKeyChainProvider can be created with the following optional arguments.

serviceName : String

The serviceName used to identify key values stored in the Keychain.

let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(serviceName: "myApp")

accessGroup : String

The Keychain Access Group used to identify key values stored in the Keychain. This must be implemented if you are using Keychain sharing.

let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(accessGroup: "myApp")

cryptoProvider : KeyStorageCrypter

The encryption provider that will be used to encrypt and decrypt key values

let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(cryptoProvider: myCryptoProvider)

accessible : KeyChainInfo.accessibleOption

The accessibility level of the values in the Keychain. See the Keychain documentation here for details.

let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(accessible: .afterFirstUnlock)

Combined Example

You can combine all of the above as needed. Below is an example of this fully implemented.

let provider = KeyStorageKeyChainProvider(serviceName: "myApp", accessGroup: "my-awesome-group", accessible: .afterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, cryptoProvider: myCryptoProvider)


Get Keychain AccessGroup Information

Programmatically look-up your application's App ID Prefix and default Keychain Group.

//Get Information 
let info = KeychainHelpers.getAccessGroupInfo()

print("App ID Prefix \(info.prefix)")
print("KeyChain Group \(info.keyChainGroup)")
print("Raw kSecAttrAccessGroup value \(info.rawValue)")


Ben Bahrenburg, @bencoding


KeyStorage is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.