
A lightweight SOAP client library for JavaScript (no longer supported by me)

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


Suds2: A SOAP Client Library for Titanium Mobile


Require suds into your project

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
	suds : require('suds2'),
	isAndroid : (Ti.Platform.osname === 'android'),
	config : {
	    targetNamespace: 'http://www.webserviceX.NET/'		    	    	

Calling a service

	var sudsClient = new my.suds(my.config);
		    FromCurrency: 'EUR',
		    ToCurrency: 'USD'
		function(xmlDoc) {
	    	var results = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('ConversionRateResult');
	        if (results && results.length>0) {
	            var result = results.item(0);
	            Ti.API.info('1 Euro buys you ' + results.item(0).text + ' U.S. Dollars.');
	        } else {
	            Ti.API.info('Oops, could not determine result of SOAP call.');
## API

The following is the current API documentation for Suds, which consists of a constructor for the client and an invoke method on the client to call specific services on your endpoint. Impressive, no?


Constructor for a Suds SOAP web service client.

  • options - A JavaScript object containing the following properties:
    • endpoint - the SOAP endpoint you will be using
    • targetNamespace - the namespace for your service data structures and prefix for SOAP actions - will be in your service WSDL
    • envelopeBegin (optional) - a string containing the XML preceding the contents of the SOAP request body
    • envelopeEnd (optional) - a string containing the XML following the contents of the SOAP request body
    • authorization (optional) - a string used to specify basic HTTP authorization in the request header
    • includeNS (optional) - a boolean (ns0 by default) allows to exclude namespace if needed
    • ns (optional) - a string, ns0 by default, allows you to update your namespace
    • addTargetSchema (optional) - a boolean, alse by default, allows to update target schema

sudsClient.invoke(soapAction, body, callback(xmlDoc))

Invoke a SOAP action on the web service defined by this Suds instance.

  • soapAction - the web service method to invoke
  • body - can be one of:
    • An XML string containing the SOAP request body, constructed manually
    • A JavaScript object containing a hierarchical data structure which can be converted to XML
  • callback - a callback function to process the request result, with the following information
    • [this] - this inside your callback will refer to the XHR object used to make the SOAP web service call
    • xmlDoc - An XML Document Object containing the SOAP response


For a working example see the included app.js.