Hi 👋 I am a

Software Engineer for Blockchain and Mobile Development

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Blockchain and native iOS and Android projects.

  • 💬 Ask me about native mobile app development using Java, Kotlin, Swift and Objective C, Blockchain projects using Solidity, Solana, Rust

  • 🌱 I’m currently mastering Blockchain Tech

  • 📫 Reach me at vtwoguru@gmail.com

  • Available communication languages English, Chinese, Japanese

Programming Tech Stacks:

android Android ios Apple iOS java Java kotlin Kotlin swift Swift objectivec Obj- C rust Rust ethereum Ethereum firebase Firebase ruby Ruby rails RoR google map Google Map


Connect with me:

tsingshen https://linkedin.com/in/tsingshen-jin-7b8120138 tsingshen


Badges for Github activity:
