
Primary LanguagePython


Architecture Overview

There are a few components here:

  • SQL Database
    • Stores pre-analysed words and rhymes. When new words are encountered, they are added to this database once processed.
  • Parody Server
    • Generates parodies of provided text via HTTP API
    • Requires:
      • SQL Database
      • Similarity Server
  • Similarity Server
    • HTTP API to wrap around Word2Vec (via gensim library)
    • This is a separate component as importing even a pre-trained corpus for Word2Vec increases the cold start time by at least 10 seconds or so, which isn't really suitable for quick changes / hotfixes to the main parody generation, where change (and bugs) are more likely
  • MITM Proxy
    • Proxy which knows how to intercept calls to karafun, including:
      • Replacing words of karaoke tracks with some parodied by the parody server
      • Pre-fetching tracks as they're queued, and pre-generating parody data
      • VERY rudimentary queuing of pre-fetched tracks

Local Setup / Zero to Hero

  1. Install pre-reqs
  2. Set up database
  3. Set up initial words
  4. Run parody server
  5. Run similarity server
  6. Configure proxy settings and run proxy server


Python 3

C tooling is required for some dependencies.

On Mac I've had to add: export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9/include/python3.9" to my bash profile, and after that pip install worked in a venv in PyCharm

This can be a real pain! Recommend:

  • use brew to install python

  • stick to python 3.9

    • This is pretty vital, I've seen it break a lot with later versions and haven't spent time seeing if it's fixable - but some migration work is needed if so.
  • use a venv

  • python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm to download spacy data

    • will need to first pip install spacy

Windows specific setup

  • VSCode sometimes seems to not update PATH for new terminals spawned, need to reset the whole editor



  • Install dependencies
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set environment variable DB_URI pointing to local postgres instance
  • run schema.py to create initial schema
  • Required config:
    • DB_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password@localhost:5438/karaobot

You might need to install some dependencies manually at some point in this process: e.g:

  • sqlalchemy

  • psycopg2

    • this may fail to install, you can just install a pre-compiled version:
    • pip install psycopg2-binary
  • [Coming soon] Download nltk corpus

    • See docs
    • python -m nltk.downloader all

Initial Data

Before running, you must first run the setup.py script to seed the database with processed words

Required config:

  • DB_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:<mypassword>@localhost:5438/karaobot


To generate a parody:


  • Run parody/server.py using flask

    • Required config:
      • environment variable of DB_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password@localhost:5438/karaobot
    • Command line: export FLASK_APP=parody/server.py;export DB_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password@localhost:5438/karaobot;flask run
  • Run similarity/server.py using flask

    • Run on port 5001 via -p 5001
    • Required:
    • Command line: export FLASK_APP=similarity/server.py;flask run -p 5001

Karafun integration (WIP)

To enjoy singing some auto-generated parodies live in front of your bewildered friends, simply:

  • Install mitmproxy
  • Run mitmproxy and navigate to mitm.it/
  • Install your certificate of choice (we are using Firefox)
  • Set up your proxy
    • For Firefox, this is Settings > Proxy > Manual > localhost:8080 for http and https
  • The mitmproxy addon is in the proxy directory. To use it, run mitmproxy -s proxy/karafun.py
    • Or if you prefer in web mode: mitmweb -s proxy/karafun.py
  • Finally, open https://www.karafun.com/web/

On Dependencies

I swear I've run this successfully before without doing this, but on my most recent attempt (May 2024), I'm getting issues relating to a lack of xml.etree.ElementTree when mitmproxy was installed via brew

It looks like this is because the compiled version has minimal python deps, and so I've followed the instructions here: https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/overview-installation/#fn:1

This means:

  • install via pipx, not brew
  • inject all modules required via pipx inject mitmproxy <dep>

Miscellaneous Debugging

Logs too full of rhyme logs?

pyrhyme package prints every request to rhymebrain. if you can find pyrhyme.py you can remove or comment this out. But you need to do it every time you install dependencies, I would assume.

How to add custom words

(a) Add to the custom words and custom phrases files


(b) Fix scansion

  • Custom words in custom words/phrases files will be automatically added and analysed
  • If any of them are not successfully analysed, they will be logged in need_manual_db_tweaks
  • Go to the database (using e.g. DBeaver or Datagrip) and update the stress column
    • P = primary stress. Big stress
    • S = secondary stress. Not super stressed but a bit I guess.
    • U = unstressed.
    • Look at some examples to make sure you match

Most common examples of stresses:

(taken direct from a SQL query) PU 10826 aaron abbe abbey P 6978 1 2 aah UPU 4183 abandon abandoned abandons PUU 3765 abacus abler absalom UP 2751 aback abash abashed PS 2200 aardvark abscess access UPUU 1954 abandonment abdominal abilities PUS 1858 abattoir abdicate abdicates SUPU 1337 abalone abdication aberration PUSU 1035 abdicated abdicating abrogated PSU 675 abstracted accessing airlifted SUPUU 636 abnormalities abnormality abolitionist SUP 436 absentee absentees acquiesce UPUSU 408 abbreviated abbreviating accelerated PUUU 376 accuracies accuracy accurately UPUS 322 abbreviate abbreviates accelerate UPUUU 235 abominable accompanying additionally USUPU 225 abbreviation abbreviations abomination SUUPU 157 academician academicians aerodynamic PP 154 2d ac aimee