
fhem docker images for arm architectures like the Raspberry Pi

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fhem docker image for arm architectures like the Raspberry Pi

This is a build of fhem home automation running in docker and can build for arm architectures like the Raspberry Pi.

Run it

docker run -p 8083:8083 --device=/dev/ttyACM0 --name fhem bknofe/fhem-arm:latest

Mount config files

Add -v /path/to/your/fhem.cfg:/opt/fhem/fhem.cfg to the command above.

Persisting fhem data

Add -v /path/to/your/log:/opt/fhem/log to the command above. If you have other paths configured for storing the state file, add them accordingly.


This was tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Arch Linux and Docker 17.11.0-ce.