
Fixed fancymenu bugs

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Found the cause of the bug in fancy menu.
Essentially There are backslashes where they should be forward slashes.
Additionally casing of real path and referenced path must match.
If so it will work just as expected just as in windows.

That's due to the fact that Linux and MacOS's filesystems are case-sensitive.

Please report this to the MOD Developer and close this event as this is nothing the pack developer can fix. Thanks for reporting.

This one is a pack problem since SEA.txt file in the pack is erroneous.

I'll leave it to the Pack Dev to respond then as someone else posted this in chat and got that answer from LotP. Please drop by discord and chat with Ben or LotP. Thank you for posting.

have you confirmed that changing it fixes the mod on mac?

That's the bug no?
This is to make sure we're talking about the same bug.

Playing on a Linux machine I can verify that SlawekNowy did indeed figure out a solution to the problem he showed in image. Windows often lets you get away with a loose interpretation of URI paths but any other OS will be picky about it. The problem is in config/fancymenu/customization/SEA.txt. Specifically the occurrences of "config/fancymenu/Asset" should be "config/fancymenu/asset". It should be lower case "asset". In a case sensitive environment like any non-Windows OS, "asset" and "Asset" are two unique names.