JSCS — JavaScript Code Style.
is a code style checker. You can configure jscs
for your project in detail using over 60 validation rules. jQuery preset is also available.
- Grunt task: https://github.com/gustavohenke/grunt-jscs-checker/
- Gulp task: https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-jscs/
- SublimeText 3 Plugin: https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter-jscs/
- Syntastic VIM Plugin: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/.../syntax_checkers/javascript/jscs.vim/
- Web Essentials for Visual Studio 2013: https://github.com/madskristensen/WebEssentials2013/
- Brackets Extension: https://github.com/globexdesigns/brackets-jscs
- A team city reporter: https://github.com/wurmr/jscs-teamcity-reporter
- JSdoc rules extension: https://github.com/zxqfox/jscs-jsdoc
can be installed using npm
npm install jscs -g
To run jscs
, you can use the following command from the project root:
jscs path[ path[...]]
Allows to define path to the config file.
jscs path[ path[...]] --config=./.config.json
If there is no --config
option specified, jscs
it will consequentially search for jscsConfig
option in package.json
file then for .jscsrc
and .jscs.json
files in the current working directory then in nearest ancestor until it hits the system root.
If defined will use predefined rules for specific code style.
jscs path[ path[...]] --preset=jquery
itself provides six reporters: checkstyle
, console
, inline
, junit
and text
jscs path[ path[...]] --reporter=console
But you also can specify your own reporter, since this flag accepts relative or absolute paths too.
jscs path[ path[...]] --reporter=./some-dir/my-reporter.js
Will be removed. Clean output without colors.
Outputs usage information.
Outputs version of jscs
Path to load additional rules
Type: Array
Values: Array of file matching patterns
"additionalRules": ["project-rules/*.js"]
Extends defined rules with preset rules.
Type: String
Values: "jquery"
"preset": "jquery"
If you want specifically disable preset rule assign it to null
"preset": "jquery",
"requireCurlyBraces": null
Disables style checking for specified paths.
Type: Array
Values: Array of file matching patterns
"excludeFiles": ["node_modules/**"]
Requires curly braces after statements.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
JSHint: curly
"requireCurlyBraces": [
if (x) {
if (x) x++;
Requires space after keyword.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
"requireSpaceAfterKeywords": [
return true;
if(x) {
Disallows space after keyword.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
"disallowSpaceAfterKeywords": [
if(x > y) {
Requires space before block statements (for loops, control structures).
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements": true
if (cond) {
for (var e in elements) {
while (cond) {
if (cond){
for (var e in elements){
while (cond){
Disallows space before block statements (for loops, control structures).
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpaceBeforeBlockStatements": true
if (cond){
for (var e in elements){
while (cond){
if (cond) {
for (var e in elements) {
while (cond) {
Requires parentheses around immediately invoked function expressions.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: immed
"requireParenthesesAroundIIFE": true
var a = (function(){ return 1; })();
var b = (function(){ return 2; }());
var c = (function(){ return 3; }).call(this, arg1);
var d = (function(){ return 3; }.call(this, arg1));
var e = (function(){ return d; }).apply(this, args);
var f = (function(){ return d; }.apply(this, args));
var a = function(){ return 1; }();
var c = function(){ return 3; }.call(this, arg1);
var d = function(){ return d; }.apply(this, args);
Requires space before and/or after ?
or :
in conditional expressions.
Type: Object
or true
Values: afterTest
, beforeConsequent
, afterConsequent
, beforeAlternate
as child properties, or true
to set all properties to true. Child properties must be set to true
"requireSpacesInConditionalExpression": {
"afterTest": true,
"beforeConsequent": true,
"afterConsequent": true,
"beforeAlternate": true
var a = b ? c : d;
var a= b ? c : d;
var a = b? c : d;
var a = b ?c : d;
var a = b ? c: d;
var a = b ? c :d;
Disallows space before and/or after ?
or :
in conditional expressions.
Type: Object
or true
Values: afterTest
, beforeConsequent
, afterConsequent
, beforeAlternate
as child properties, or true
to set all properties to true. Child properties must be set to true
"disallowSpacesInConditionalExpression": {
"afterTest": true,
"beforeConsequent": true,
"afterConsequent": true,
"beforeAlternate": true
var a = b?c:d;
var a= b?c:d;
var a = b ?c:d;
var a = b? c:d;
var a = b?c :d;
var a = b?c: d;
Requires space before ()
or {}
in function declarations.
Type: Object
Values: beforeOpeningRoundBrace
and beforeOpeningCurlyBrace
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"requireSpacesInFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function () {}
function a () {}
function() {}
function (){}
Disallows space before ()
or {}
in function declarations and expressions (both named and anonymous).
Type: Object
Values: "beforeOpeningRoundBrace"
and "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace"
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"disallowSpacesInFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function a(){}
function () {}
function a (){}
Requires space before ()
or {}
in anonymous function expressions.
Type: Object
Values: beforeOpeningRoundBrace
and beforeOpeningCurlyBrace
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"requireSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function () {}
function() {}
function (){}
Disallows space before ()
or {}
in anonymous function expressions.
Type: Object
Values: "beforeOpeningRoundBrace"
and "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace"
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"disallowSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function () {}
function (){}
Requires space before ()
or {}
in named function expressions.
Type: Object
Values: beforeOpeningRoundBrace
and beforeOpeningCurlyBrace
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"requireSpacesInNamedFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function a () {}
function a() {}
function a(){}
Disallows space before ()
or {}
in named function expressions.
Type: Object
Values: "beforeOpeningRoundBrace"
and "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace"
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"disallowSpacesInNamedFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function a(){}
function a () {}
function a (){}
Requires space before ()
or {}
in function declarations.
Type: Object
Values: beforeOpeningRoundBrace
and beforeOpeningCurlyBrace
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"requireSpacesInFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function a () {}
function a() {}
function a (){}
Disallows space before ()
or {}
in function declarations.
Type: Object
Values: "beforeOpeningRoundBrace"
and "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace"
as child properties. Child properties must be set to true
"disallowSpacesInFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
function a(){}
function a () {}
function a (){}
Disallows multiple var
declaration (except for-loop).
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowMultipleVarDecl": true
var x = 1;
var y = 2;
for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {}
var x = 1,
y = 2;
Requires multiple var
Type: Boolean
or String
Values: true
or onevar
if requireMultipleVarDecl
defined as a boolean
value, it will report only consecutive vars, if, on the other hand,
value equals to onevar
string, requireMultipleVarDecl
will allow only one var
per function scope.
JSHint: onevar
"requireMultipleVarDecl": true
var x = 1,
y = 2;
var x = 1;
var y = 2;
Requires blocks to begin and end with a newline
Type: Boolean
or Integer
Values: true
validates all non-empty blocks, Integer
specifies a minimum number of statements in the block before validating.
"requireBlocksOnNewline": true
if (true) {
var abc = function() {};
if (true) {doSomething();}
if (true) {
if (true) { doSomething(); }
var abc = function() {};
if (true) { doSomething(); doSomethingElse(); }
Requires blocks to begin and end with 2 newlines
Type: Boolean
or Integer
Values: true
validates all non-empty blocks, Integer
specifies a minimum number of statements in the block before validating.
"requirePaddingNewlinesInBlocks": true
if (true) {
var abc = function() {};
if (true) {doSomething();}
if (true) {
if (true) {
if (true) {
if (true) { doSomething(); }
var abc = function() {};
if (true) { doSomething(); doSomethingElse(); }
if (true) {
Disallows blocks from beginning and ending with 2 newlines.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
validates all non-empty blocks.
"disallowPaddingNewlinesInBlocks": true
if (true) {
if (true) {doSomething();}
var abc = function() {};
if (true) {
Disallows empty blocks (except for catch blocks).
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: noempty
"disallowEmptyBlocks": true
if ( a == b ) { c = d; }
try { a = b; } catch( e ){}
if ( a == b ) { } else { c = d; }
Disallows space after opening object curly brace and before closing.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets": true
var x = {a: 1};
var x = { a: 1 };
Disallows space after opening array square bracket and before closing.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpacesInsideArrayBrackets": true
var x = [1];
var x = [ 1 ];
Disallows space after opening round bracket and before closing.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpacesInsideParentheses": true
var x = (1 + 2) * 3;
var x = ( 1 + 2 ) * 3;
Requires space after opening object curly brace and before closing.
Type: String
Values: "all"
for strict mode, "allButNested"
ignores closing brackets in a row.
"requireSpacesInsideObjectBrackets": "all"
var x = { a: { b: 1 } };
var x = { a: { b: 1 }};
var x = {a: 1};
Requires space after opening array square bracket and before closing.
Type: String
Values: "all" for strict mode, "allButNested" ignores closing brackets in a row.
"requireSpacesInsideArrayBrackets": "all"
var x = [ 1 ];
var x = [[ 1 ], [ 2 ]];
var x = [1];
Requires space after opening round bracket and before closing.
Type: String
Values: "all" for strict mode, "allButNested" ignores nested brackets in a row.
"disallowSpacesInsideParentheses": "all"
var x = Math.pow( ( 1 + 2 ), ( 3 + 4 ) );
var x = Math.pow(( 1 + 2 ), ( 3 + 4 ));
var x = Math.pow(1 + 2, 3 + 4);
Disallows quoted keys in object if possible.
Type: String
or Boolean
for strict mode"allButReserved"
allows ES3+ reserved words to remain quoted which is helpful when using this option with JSHint'ses3
"disallowQuotedKeysInObjects": true
var x = { a: { default: 1 } };
var x = {a: 1, 'default': 2};
var x = {'a': 1};
Disallows identifiers that start or end in _
, except for some popular exceptions:
(node.js global)__dirname
(node.js global)
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: nomen
"disallowDanglingUnderscores": true
var x = 1;
var y = _.extend;
var z = __dirname;
var w = __filename;
var x_y = 1;
var _x = 1;
var x_ = 1;
var x_y_ = 1;
Disallows space after object keys.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys": true
var x = {a: 1};
var x = {a : 1};
Requires space after object keys.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"requireSpaceAfterObjectKeys": true
var x = {a : 1};
var x = {a: 1};
Disallows commas as last token on a line in lists.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: laxcomma
"disallowCommaBeforeLineBreak": true
var x = {
one: 1
, two: 2
var y = { three: 3, four: 4};
var x = {
one: 1,
two: 2
Requires commas as last token on a line in lists.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: laxcomma
"requireCommaBeforeLineBreak": true
var x = {
one: 1,
two: 2
var y = { three: 3, four: 4};
var x = {
one: 1
, two: 2
Requires proper alignment in object literals.
Type: String
- "all"
for strict mode,
- "skipWithFunction"
ignores objects if one of the property values is a function expression,
- "skipWithLineBreak"
ignores objects if there are line breaks between properties
"requireAlignedObjectValues": "all"
var x = {
a : 1,
bcd : 2,
ef : 'str'
var x = {
a : 1,
bcd : 2,
ef : 'str'
Requires operators to appear before line breaks and not after.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to require all possible binary operators to appear before line breaks
JSHint: laxbreak
"requireOperatorBeforeLineBreak": [
x = y ? 1 : 2;
x = y ?
1 : 2;
x = y
? 1 : 2;
Disallows sticking operators to the left.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators
"disallowLeftStickedOperators": [
x = y ? 1 : 2;
x = y? 1 : 2;
Requires sticking operators to the right.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators
"requireRightStickedOperators": ["!"]
x = !y;
x = ! y;
Disallows sticking operators to the right.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators
"disallowRightStickedOperators": [
x = y + 1;
x = y +1;
Requires sticking operators to the left.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators
"requireLeftStickedOperators": [","]
x = [1, 2];
x = [1 , 2];
Requires sticking unary operators to the right.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to disallow space after prefix for all unary operators
"disallowSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators": ["++", "--", "+", "-", "~", "!"]
x = !y; y = ++z;
x = ! y; y = ++ z;
Disallows sticking unary operators to the right.
Type: Array
or true value
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to require space after prefix for all unary operators
"requireSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators": ["++", "--", "+", "-", "~", "!"]
x = ! y; y = ++ z;
x = !y; y = ++z;
Requires sticking unary operators to the left.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to disallow space before postfix for all unary operators (i.e. increment/decrement operators)
"disallowSpaceBeforePostfixUnaryOperators": ["++", "--"]
x = y++; y = z--;
x = y ++; y = z --;
Disallows sticking unary operators to the left.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to require space before postfix for all unary operators (i.e. increment/decrement operators)
"requireSpaceBeforePostfixUnaryOperators": ["++", "--"]
x = y ++; y = z --;
x = y++; y = z--;
Requires sticking binary operators to the left.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to disallow space before all possible binary operators
"disallowSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators": [
// etc
x+ y;
x + y;
Disallows sticking binary operators to the left.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to require space before all possible binary operators
"requireSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators": [
// etc
x !== y;
x!== y;
Requires sticking binary operators to the right.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to disallow space after all possible binary operators
"disallowSpaceAfterBinaryOperators": [
// etc
x +y;
x+ y;
Disallows sticking binary operators to the right.
Type: Array
or true
Values: Array of quoted operators or true to require space after all possible binary operators
"requireSpaceAfterBinaryOperators": [
// etc
x + y;
x +y;
Disallows implicit type conversion.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted types
"disallowImplicitTypeConversion": ["numeric", "boolean", "binary", "string"]
x = Boolean(y);
x = Number(y);
x = String(y);
x = s.indexOf('.') !== -1;
x = !!y;
x = +y;
x = '' + y;
x = ~s.indexOf('.');
Requires identifiers to be camelCased or UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: camelcase
"requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": true
var camelCase = 0;
var CamelCase = 1;
var _camelCase = 2;
var camelCase_ = 3;
var UPPER_CASE = 4;
var lower_case = 1;
var Mixed_case = 2;
var mixed_Case = 3;
Disallows usage of specified keywords.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
"disallowKeywords": ["with"]
with (x) {
Disallows strings that span multiple lines without using concatenation.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: multistr
"disallowMultipleLineStrings": true
var x = "multi" +
var y = "single line";
var x = "multi \
Disallows multiple blank lines in a row.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowMultipleLineBreaks": true
var x = 1;
var x = 1;
Option to check line break characters
Type: String
Values: "CR"
, "LF"
, "CRLF"
"validateLineBreaks": "LF"
var x = 1;<LF>
var x = 1;<CRLF>
Requires all quote marks to be either the supplied value, or consistent if true
Type: String
or Object
: all strings require double quotes"'"
: all strings require single quotestrue
: all strings require the quote mark first encountered in the source codeObject
: allow the "other" quote mark to be used, but only to avoid having to escapemark
: the same effect as the non-object values
JSHint: quotmark
"validateQuoteMarks": "\""
"validateQuoteMarks": { "mark": "\"", "escape": true }
var x = "x";
var y = '"x"';
var x = "x";
var y = 'x';
var x = "x";
var x = 'x';
var x = "x", y = 'y';
Validates indentation for arrays, objects, switch statements, and block statements
Type: Integer
or String
Values: A positive integer or "\t"
JSHint: indent
"validateIndentation": "\t",
if (a) {
function(d) {
if (a) {
function(d) {
if (a) {
function(d) {
if (a) {
function(d) {
Requires lines to not contain both spaces and tabs consecutively, or spaces after tabs only for alignment if "smart"
Type: Boolean
or String
Values: true
or "smart"
JSHint: smarttabs
"disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs": true
\tvar foo = "blah blah";
\s\s\s\svar foo = "blah blah";
\t\s*/ //a single space to align the star in a multi-line comment is allowed
\t\svar foo = "blah blah";
\s\tsvar foo = "blah blah";
\tvar foo = "blah blah";
\t\svar foo = "blah blah";
\s\s\s\svar foo = "blah blah";
\t\s*/ //a single space to align the star in a multi-line comment is allowed
\s\tsvar foo = "blah blah";
Requires all lines to end on a non-whitespace character
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: trailing
"disallowTrailingWhitespace": true
var foo = "blah blah";
var foo = "blah blah"; //<-- whitespace character here
Disallows an extra comma following the final element of an array or object literal.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: es3
"disallowTrailingComma": true
var foo = [1, 2, 3];
var bar = {a: "a", b: "b"}
var foo = [1, 2, 3, ];
var bar = {a: "a", b: "b", }
Requires an extra comma following the final element of an array or object literal.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"requireTrailingComma": true
var foo = [1, 2, 3,];
var bar = {a: "a", b: "b",}
var foo = [1, 2, 3];
var bar = {a: "a", b: "b"}
Disallows placing keywords on a new line.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
"disallowKeywordsOnNewLine": ["else"]
if (x < 0) {
} else {
if (x < 0) {
else {
Requires placing keywords on a new line.
Type: Array
Values: Array of quoted keywords
"requireKeywordsOnNewLine": ["else"]
if (x < 0) {
else {
if (x < 0) {
} else {
Requires placing line feed at file end.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"requireLineFeedAtFileEnd": true
Requires all lines to be at most the number of characters specified
Type: Integer
Values: A positive integer
JSHint: maxlen
"maximumLineLength": 40
var aLineOf40Chars = 123456789012345678;
var aLineOf41Chars = 1234567890123456789;
Requires constructors to be capitalized (except for this
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: newcap
"requireCapitalizedConstructors": true
var a = new B();
var c = new this();
var d = new e();
Option to check var that = this
Type: Array
or String
Values: String value used for context local declaration
"safeContextKeyword": [ "that" ]
var that = this;
var _this = this;
Requires member expressions to use dot notation when possible
Type: Boolean
Values: true
JSHint: sub
"requireDotNotation": true
var a = b[c];
var a = b.c;
var a = b[c.d];
var a = b[1];
var a = b['while']; //reserved word
var a = b['c'];
Requires the variable to be the left hand operator when doing a boolean comparison
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowYodaConditions": true
if (a == 1) {
if (1 == a) {
Enables JSDoc validation.
Type: Object
- "checkParamNames" ensures param names in jsdoc and in function declaration are equal
- "requireParamTypes" ensures params in jsdoc contains type
- "checkRedundantParams" reports redundant params in jsdoc
"validateJSDoc": {
"checkParamNames": true,
"checkRedundantParams": true,
"requireParamTypes": true
* Adds style error to the list
* @param {String} message
* @param {Number|Object} line
* @param {Number} [column]
add: function(message, line, column) {
* Adds style error to the list
* @param {String} message
* @param {Number|Object} line
* @param {Number} [column]
add: function() {
Requires that a line comment (//
) be followed by a space.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"requireSpaceAfterLineComment": true
// A comment
/*A comment*/
//A comment
Requires that a line comment (//
) not be followed by a space.
Type: Boolean
Values: true
"disallowSpaceAfterLineComment": true
//A comment
/* A comment*/
// A comment
File jscs-browser.js contains browser-compatible version of jscs
Download and include jscs-browser.js
into your page.
<script src="jscs-browser.js"></script>
var checker = new JscsStringChecker();
checker.configure({disallowMultipleVarDecl: true});
var errors = checker.checkString('var x, y = 1;');
errors.getErrorList().forEach(function(error) {