
A docker container containing the "Unischema" from the lecture "Grundlagen: Datenbanken" at TUM.

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A docker container containing the "Unischema" from the lecture "Grundlagen: Datenbanken" at TUM.
The docker container also starts a pgweb SQL-webinterface on locahost:8081

Run local postgres database through docker

Create and run the docker container

docker run --name gdb-docker -d -p -p ghcr.io/keinenclue/gdb-docker:latest

Stop container

docker stop gdb-docker

Run container again

This only works after the container has already been created

docker start gdb-docker

Delete container

docker rm gdb-docker

View logs

docker logs -f gdb-docker

Use database through the webinterface

  1. Open localhost:8081 in your browser
  2. Start coding SQL :)

Use database through DataGrip

  1. Create new project
  2. In the UI under Database Explorer: New(+ Symbol) -> Data Source -> PostgreSQL
  3. Change User to postgres (no password is needed)
  4. Click OK
  5. Select the public schema under postgres and click the reload button
  6. Start coding SQL :)