mockdown -- A Markdown-inspired mockup tool



Mockdown is a language for quickly creating mockups using a text editor. Mockups can be exported to a variety of formats and mockdown definition files are plain text so they work well with version control systems.

Mockdown follows the rules of Semantic Versioning.


Mockdown only works with JRuby. Visit the JRuby web site to download the latest version.

If you're running RVM, run the following commands to install JRuby:

$ rvm install jruby-1.6.0
$ rvm use jruby-1.6.0

After you have JRuby installed, simply install the Mockdown gem:

$ gem install mockdown



Mockdown is a component-based framework for describing visual layouts. Each component has the ability to draw itself and layout its child components. There are some standard components to help you layout and draw your mockups.

The standard container components include:

  • col - A container that lays out its children vertically.
  • row - A container that lays out its children horizontally.
  • canvas - A container that allows its children to be absolutely positioned.

The standard drawing components include:

  • line - Draws a line between two points.
  • rect - Draws a rectangle.
  • label - Draws a string of text.

Mockdown Language

The standard components can be combined into a Mockdown document using the Mockdown language. The language is a whitespace aware language similar to HAML.

Components can be used by starting a line with a percent sign (%). Components can be nested inside one another by indenting child components two spaces to the right of the parent component. A component definition can span across multiple lines as long as the lines are all at the same indentation level and there is no blank space in between lines.

Mockdown also supports the inline use of the Markdown language. To use it, simply write it indented within the component where you want to nest it.

Documents are defined by files that end with a .mkd extension. Here's a simple example web site mockup created as a Mockdown document:

%col width=960
  # Acme Corp
  %row id=menu gap=10 padding-top=5 padding-bottom=5
    %label text="Home"
    %label text="About Us"
    %label text="Contact"

  Welcome to Acme Corp website. We are *really* glad you came! Please 
  use the menu above to find what you're looking for.

  %row id=footer width=100% align=center
    Copyright 2011. Acme Corp.


Mockdown can be used from the command line to convert your Mockdown documents into different formats. To export your Mockdown document as a PNG, simply run the following command:

$ mkdn -f png home_page.mkd

If the document can be successfully parsed and drawn, a file called home_page.png will be created in your present working directory. If there is a problem with generating the PNG then an error will be displayed.

Run the following to see a full list of command line options:

$ mkdn --help


The command line interface is useful to perform one time exports of documents or to do batch processing, but viewing changes while editing can be done more quickly using the web interface.

Use the following command to run the Mockdown web server:

$ cd /path/to/project
$ mkdnd run

You can also provide the project path to the server when starting:

$ mkdnd run -- /path/to/project

Once the server is started, you can view your documents by navigating to http://localhost:20202/.

You can specify the document you want to view by appending the document name after the last slash. For example, if your document name is about_us.mkd then you can view it by navigating to http://localhost:20202/about_us.

You can specify the output format by appending an extension. To view your about_us.mkd document as a PNG, navigate to http://localhost:20202/about_us.png.


If you want to submit an awesome idea or chat about how neato it is to write mockups in code, use the mailing list or Convore:


Send a pull request with some sweet code! However, if you're sending code, please add RSpec tests and use a named branch. Thanks!