A Functional Test Generator.
composer require benblub/ftg "dev-main"
Config Api Platform / Symfony / Foundry
There is no autoconfig yet..
add to config/bundles.php
Benblub\Ftg\BenblubFtgBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
add to services.yaml
tags: ['maker.command']
This Generator make use of Foundry Factories. For every Testclass we generate we need to have a Factory too.
Create your Factory php bin/console make:factory User --test
and set defaults. The defaults are at least all required fields from your Entity.
Add Method myDefaults to your Factories
public static function myDefaults(): array
$class = new self();
return $class->getDefaults();
Extends ApiTestCase / implement AuthHelperInterface
Your Test classes extend any class which extends ApiTestCase from ApiPlatform. To use Auth you need to implement the AuthHelperInterface like shown in the examble. also needs config set "custom_auth: true" (config is not implemented yet)
else you can use the defaults from AuthHelper (use id as identifier)
namespace App\Test;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\Client;
class AuthHelper extends ApiTestCase implements AuthHelperInterface
protected Client $client;
protected array $identifier; // can be id, email or whatever is used as identifier
public function setUp(): void
$this->client = self::createClient();
public function setIdentifier(array $identifier)
$this->identifier = $identifier;
* Set here whatever your config is from lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml <user_identity_field>
* user_identity_field: email|username|id (your Provider must support it eg loadUserBy..)
* After Create a User in a test call this Method and make requests with this User authenticated
public function setAuthenticationHeader()
$arrayKey = array_key_first($this->identifier);
$token = $this->getUserToken($this->client, $this->identifier[$arrayKey]);
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
* Generate our Bearer Token
public function getUserToken(Client $client, string $identifier): string
$data = $this->identifier;
return $client
Allow CRUD Test php bin/console make:ftg
Deny CRUD as anymous Test php bin/console make:ftg --deny=deny
Deny CRUD as %role% for other User php bin/console make:ftg --deny=deny --other=Other
interactive Questions
Question: role for the auth User eg user, admin or whatever
Type with which ROLE this test should be created. user for ROLE_USER, admin for ROLE_ADMIN or all other roles.
any means not auth header will be set.
Question Entity class to create a FunctionalTest for
chose the entity which you want test
Why this Bundle
Create Functional CRUD tests is mostly same for all Entities and over different Projetcs. With use of a Generator there are various Benefits.
- Tests looks same
- no boring write of always same code
- speedup writing tests and focus on tests which test the individual App parts
- Easy way to Replace tests if new Version/improvements available