Draft.js is a framework for building rich text editors in React.
Table of Contents
- Community
- Presentations
- Projects on Top of Draft.js
- Common Utilities
- Blog Posts & Articles
- Live Demos
- Usage in Production
- License
- Rich Text Editing with React @ React.js Conf 2016 by Isaac Salier-Hellendag
- Rich text editing with Draft.js & DraftJS Plugins by Nik Graf
- React Ep. 37: Draftjs by What I Learned Today – Atomic Jolt
- 008 - Draft.js Plugins @ React30
- Draft.js at HubSpot by Ben Briggs
- Draft WYSIWYG - WYSIWYG editor that with drag&drop, resizing & tooltips.
- Draft.js Editor - A Rich text editor inspired by Medium & Facebook Notes.
- React-RTE - A full-featured textarea replacement similar to CKEditor or TinyMCE.
- Facebook Notes Clone(ish) - Rich text editor similar to Facebook notes.
- Megadraft - Rich text editor.
- Medium Draft - Medium-like rich text editor with a focus on keyboard shortcuts.
- React-Draft-Wyiswyg - A WYISWYG editor, with various text editing options and corresponding HTML generation.
- Draft.js Plugins - A Plugin architecture on top of Draft.js
- Emoji - Slack-like emoji support
- Stickers - Facebook-like sticker support
- Hashtags - Twitter-like hashtag support
- Linkify - Automatically turn links into anchor-tags.
- Mentions - Twitter-like mention support
- Undo - Undo & Redo button.
- Counter - Character, word & line counting.
- Autolist - Automatic unordered/ordered list creation.
- Block Breakout - Break out of block types as you type.
- Markdown Shortcuts - Markdown syntax shortcuts.
- Single Line - Restrict to a single line of input.
- RichButtons - Add and customize rich formatting buttons.
- Draft.js Gutter - Compliments line number gutter.
- Draft.js Basic HTML Editor - Accept html as its input format, and return html to an onChange.
- Draft.js Prism- Highlight code blocks using Prism.
- Draft.js Typeahead - Support for typeahead functionality.
- Dante 2 - Just another Medium clone built on top of DraftJs
- Last Draft - A Draft editor built with Draft.js plugins.
- BackDraft.js - Function to turn a rawContentBlock into a marked-up string.
- Draft.js Exporter - Export and format the content from Draft.js.
- Draft.js: Export ContentState to HTML - Export ContentState to HTML.
- Redraft - Renders the result of Draft.js convertToRaw using provided callbacks, works well with React
- Draft.js exporter (Ruby) - Export Draft.js content state into HTML.
- Draft.js exporter (Python) - Library to convert Draft.js raw ContentState to HTML
- Draft.js AST Exporter - Export content into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
- Draft.js AST Importer- Emport an abstract syntax tree (AST) output from the companion draft-js-ast-exporter.
- Draft.js Multidecorators - Combine multiple decorators.
- Draft.js SimpleDecorator - Easily create flexible decorators.
- DraftJS Utils - Set of utility functions for DraftJS.
- DraftJs to HTML - Library for generating HTML for DraftJS editor content.
- Facebook open sources rich text editor framework Draft.js
- This Blog Post Was Written Using Draft.js
- How Draft.js Represents Rich Text Data
- A Beginner’s Guide to Draft.js
- Implementing todo list in Draft.js
- Draft.js Pieces
- REACTing Codepen Comment Editor - Draft.js
- Draft.js Examples - A Heroku app w/ several example Draft.js Editors from different projects
- Rich Text Editor
- Color Editor
- Convert from HTML Editor
- Entity Editor
- Link Editor
- Media Editor
- Plain Text Editor
- Decorators Editor - Tweet example
To the extent possible under law, Nikolaus Graf has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.