
Awesome list of Draft.js resources

Awesome Draft.js Awesome

Draft.js is a framework for building rich text editors in React.

Table of Contents



Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js

  • Draft WYSIWYG - WYSIWYG editor that with drag&drop, resizing & tooltips.
  • Draft.js Editor - A Rich text editor inspired by Medium & Facebook Notes.
  • React-RTE - A full-featured textarea replacement similar to CKEditor or TinyMCE.
  • Facebook Notes Clone(ish) - Rich text editor similar to Facebook notes.
  • Megadraft - Rich text editor.
  • Medium Draft - Medium-like rich text editor with a focus on keyboard shortcuts.
  • React-Draft-Wyiswyg - A WYISWYG editor, with various text editing options and corresponding HTML generation.

Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js

Common Utilities

Blog Posts & Articles

Live Demos

Playgrounds for Examples from Official Repository (v.0.10.0)

Usage in Production



To the extent possible under law, Nikolaus Graf has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.