
A JavaScript implementation of Hyllian's xBR filter (xBR stands for: scales By Rules)


A JavaScript implementation of the xBR filter

Originally a filter for video game emulators, the xBR filter was created to scale 16 bit games, while at the same time 'smoothing' the video output from the emulator.

The original creator's alias is Hyllian, google search on 'xBR filter' will eventually lead you to a forum topic where he made the algorithm public:


There he explains how the algorithm works as well as some optional implementations.


  • Let user choose scaling factor: 2x,3x,5x, etc.
  • Add level 2 interpolation as an optional argument
  • Make it faster
  • Fix filter's for..loop scope issue
  • Research: Hyllian mentions a few optional implementations besides level 2 interpolation, but i can't find any documentation on the filter other than the byuu forum, where he only mentions them:
    • Font Enhancement
    • Using LVL2 Interpolation in regions plagued by shades of colors
    • Using linear equation of the Straight Line to interpolate in odd scale factors


 * You can call filter_2xBR with one parameter, the canvas context thats holding
 * the original image you want to filter.
 * The function returns a filtered ImageData object
  var xbr = filter_2xBR(
    ctx,	//context

 * Optionally, you can also filter part of the image in the canvas by
 * defining the source X,Y coordinates and the width and height of the part of 
 * the image you want to scale.
var xbr = filter_2xBR(
  ctx,  //context  
  0,    //Source X
  0,	//Source Y
  w,	//Source Width
  h 	//Source Height

Copy n' Pasta Example:

  	<title>xBR Filter 0.2.5</title>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="2xbr-0.2.5.js"></script>
    <canvas id="example"> </canvas>

    <script type="text/javascript">

      window.onload = function(){
        /*Load Original Image*/
      	var image = new Image();
      	/*When image loads...*/
      	image.onload =  function(e){
          /*Get image's attributes*/
          var w = image.width;
          var h = image.height;
          var x = image.x;
          var y = image.y;

        /*Point to our Canvas*/
        var canvas = document.getElementById("example");  
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

        /*Resize Canvas*/
        canvas.width = w *2;    
        canvas.height = h *2;

        /*Draw Original image in Canvas*/
        ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

        /*Apply 2xBR*/
        var xbr = filter_2xBR(
          ctx,  //context
          0,    //Source X
          0,    //Source Y
          w,    //Source Width
          h     //Source Height

        /*Draw filtered image in Canvas*/
        ctx.putImageData(xbr, 0, 0);
