
My vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim script

My vim configuration

The first step in my attempt to make a dotfiles repo for myself. This repo works quite well on its own due to its very simple installation.


Clone this to ~/.vim (or %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles on windows). Use the --recursive flag in order to get all the plugins properly.


Plugin management is done with pathogen. Use repo-to-submodule.sh to convert plugin repos into git submodules. Ideally, I should remember to use git submodule add each time instead of git clone, but repo-to-submodule.sh will fix that when I inevitably forget.

Platform-specific settings can be added in ~/.vimrc or ~/.gvimrc. However, they must source their counterpart in this configuration directory or they will completely override it.

On older versions of vim, a ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc must be created (again remember to source) because ~/.vim/vimrc isn't recognized. The best solution is to use a more recent version of vim though.