
Implementation of DozenalFTW's guess 2/3 of the average game using KACPAW

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of DozenalFTW's guess 2/3 of the average game using KACPAW

Game Objectives

  1. Each person makes a guess from 0 to 1000. We should have three sliders for each digit so it's harder to visualize the numbers (or even weirder, 10 switches as a binary rep)
    • Possibly, we could allow decimals... not sure
  2. After a week, the bot takes all guesses and averages them, then multiples by 2/3
  3. Everyone receives a notification of how they did... closest to 2/3 of the average wins

Getting Started

To get started, clone this repo. You should probably also install Python 3 if you haven't already.

For the front end:

  1. Write jinja2 templates in the templates folder. program.html jinja2 entry point.
  2. Run view-front-end.py to open up a browser window displaying the formatted file.
    • You will need jinja2 for this to work. pip install it.
    • view-front-end.py should roughly match the back end in terms of stuff passed into the render function. If this is not the case, update it.

For the back end:

  1. To make sure the submodules have been cloned as well, run git submodule update --init --recursive.
  2. Install virtualenv (you don't have to, but that's what we'll use in these instructions)
  3. Create and activate a virtualenv (see these instructions for details)
  4. Inside the virtualenv, pip install ./external/kacpaw.
    • If your virtualenv doesn't know about jinja2 or any other libraries we might use, pip install those too
  5. Currently, the back end is empty, but you will probably need to set some environment variables like KA_USERNAME and KA_PASSWORD for it to work.
  6. Run stuff.