
Time-traveling, conditional-halt based assembly languge

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sphinx ISA

Sphinx is an instruction set architecture intended for low-power embedded hypercomputers. For control flow, it relies only on its Turing jump instruction, along with an assortment of conditional halt instructions.

This repository houses a working Sphinx emulator written in Python, and aims also to provide a specification of the architecture.


spasm, the Sphinx assembler/emulator, requires a recent version of Python, I think >= 3.10. I use Python 3.11.

It has no other dependencies and can be run directly without installation. To run the countdown example:

$ python3 -m spasm examples/countdown.s

Alternatively, you may install the spasm executable:

$ pip3 install --editable .
$ spasm examples/countdown.s

NOTE: Due to the unfortunate limitations of traditional processors, the emulator may require an exponential amount of memory and time to perform jump instructions in some cases, based on the amount of state. On a true Sphinx architecture, the jump instruction is specified to take one clock cycle.


Arguments to most instructions in Sphinx can be any of the following forms:

  • IMMED - immediate values. These can be any assembly-time expression using labels and numeric literals. For example: 8, my_label, or ('B' + 3) * 2.
  • [IMMED] - state values. The immediate value within the square brackets is used as an address to look up a value in the state section (main memory) at runtime. State values take the place of registers in a normal assembly language, but are backed by memory. For example: [my_label], or [arr + 5w]
  • {IMMED} - const values. They are just like state values, but look up values in the (read-only) const section instead, which usually holds the inputs to the program. For example: {input_number}

Sphinx follows the convention of placing the destination first, eg mov [dest], [source]

Instructions are allowed in the code section only.

Instructions Syntax Description
halt halt Unconditional halt

heq, hne, hlt, hgt, hle, hge, hltu, hgtu, hleu, hgeu

heq ARG, ARG

Conditional halt. Compares the arguments and halts if the condition is met. Unsigned comparisons have the suffix u.



Turing jump. Jumps to the specified address if not jumping would lead to halting.

add, sub, mul, div, mod, and, or, xor, asl, asr


Arithmetic instructions, outputting to the given address in state.

mov mov [IMMED], ARG Set the word at the output address.

lws, lwc, lbs, lbc

lws [IMMED], ARG

Set the word at the output address to the value loaded from the word or byte at the address specified by the other argument.

lwso, lwco, lbso, lbco lwso [IMMED], ARG, ARG Like the previous, but with an additional offset argument

sws, sbs

sws ARG, ARG

Store the value (word or byte) specified by the second argument into the word of state at address specified by the first.

swso, sbso

swso ARG, ARG, ARG

Again, adds an offset. Note that the offset is given by the second argument, not the third one (since it is offsetting the first argument).


yield ARG

Outputs the argument to the output stream. See also the %format output preprocessor command.

sleep sleep ARG Sleep for the given number of milliseconds.



Indicates program status. The identifier can be anything, though some identifiers have somewhat special meaning. flag done is typically used to indicate successful non-termination.

Data directives

Allowed in the state and const sections

  • .ascii "STRING"
  • .asciiz "STRING" - Null-terminated string
  • .asciip "STRING" - String prefixed with a word holding length of string in bytes
  • .word IMMED
  • .byte IMMED
  • .fill IMMED, IMMED - Fill given number of bytes with first value
  • .zero IMMED - Fill given number of bytes with zeros
  • .arg IDENT (ascii | asciiz | asciip | word | byte) - See section on command-line arguments

Preprocessor commands

  • %section code | state | const - change the section
  • %format word NUMBER | inf - set the word size in bytes, or inf for infinite words which can represent any integer. Default: 2
  • %format output signed | unsigned | byte - set output format of the yield instruction. byte mode will write the lower byte of the word to stdout. Default: signed
  • %argv -- See section on command-line arguments

Command-line arguments

Sphinx assembly has support for specifying the inputs that an assembly program requires. These may be passed on the command-line to spasm.

There's no clear "correct" way for arguments to be treated (eg should they be in state or const, where, and with what format?), and any specific way that would be convenient for me in implementing Halt is Defeat seemed too specific, so Sphinx provides a lot of flexibility.

The arguments are defined using the %argv command in a manner similar to (but only a tiny subset of) docopt:

  • <IDENT> defines a named argument
  • ARG... means 1 or more
  • [ARG] means optional

For example: %argv <x> [<y>...] specifies that the program expects an argument <x> followed by 0 or more arguments <y>.

Once the argument variables are defined with %argv, you get to choose where and how the arguments should be placed into memory using the .arg data directive.

.arg x asciiz directs <x> to placed into memory as a null-terminated string.

.arg y word directs <y> to be parsed as a decimal integer and placed into memory as words. Since we specified 0 or more arguments as <y>, all of the arguments passed will be parsed and placed at increasing addresses in memory.

If you want multiple strings associated with a single argument variable, you may want to have an array of pointers to those strings. This may be done with the array specifier, eg .arg y asciiz array.

If there were no arguments passed as y, this array will still include a dummy entry pointing to the next address in memory. This shouldn't be considered as "part" of the array, but it may be useful for iterating over it.

Additionally for plain ascii (not asciiz or asciip):

  • The array will always have an extra entry pointing to the end (so an empty array has 2 identical entries)
  • If there's no array, multiple arguments will be separated by single spaces.

There is no direct way to determine how many arguments were passed for each argument variable. However, there is a special assembly-time variable $argc which gives the total number of arguments passed. From this, you can infer the number of arguments associated with each argument variable. Alternatively, you may place a label at the end of an argument directive and iterate through until the label is reached.

How does it work?

Time travel, obviously.

Or do you mean the emulator? There's no magic to it. It works kinda like a depth-first search in the tree of possible paths of execution. Since we have finitely bounded state, the only way not to halt is for there to be a repeating loop. So at a jump point, we're recursively searching to see if there's a repeated state by not jumping. Failing that, ie when halting would be inevitable, we jump. Regardless, we will know if we should jump in finite (albeit possibly huge) time. Relevant code can be found in spasm/program.py.

More theoretically, Sphinx's halting problem isn't undecidable because it isn't (strictly) Turing complete - it requires finitely bounded state in order to work, and cannot be generalized to an unbounded version (though I haven't let that stop me from adding %format word inf). Although Sphinx's execution depends intimately on its own halting problem (which is seemingly problematic regardless of the fact it has finite state), Sphinx's freedom to act on this information for itself is limited. Sphinx can't test if something will halt without committing to run it if it won't.

At its core, Sphinx is a model of nondeterministic computation, and has all the same performance characteristics as a nondeterministic Turing machine, being able to solve any NP problem in polynomial time (as measured in Sphinx clock cycles of course). It does differ from some models of nondeterministic computation in that there is always one and only one unambiguous path of execution. It is still "nondeterministic" though in the sense that this path can depend on what would have happened if a different path had been taken instead.


A paper introducing the Sphinx instruction set was accepted into the proceedings of The Association for Computational Heresy.

Burrill, Ben 2023. "A Halt-Averse Instruction Set Architecture for Embedded Hypercomputers". In A Record of the Proceedings of SIGBOVIK 2023. The Association for Computational Heresy, p. 150.