
Build your own dotfiles repo

Primary LanguageShell

Dotfiles Kit

This is a starting point for creating your own dotfiles repo, it is "fairly" opinionated, as it uses Oh My Zsh and the Powerlevel10k theme.

It is based heavily on my own dotfiles repo with a lot of the personalization & aliases etc removed.

Dotfiles Repo - What & Why

Storing your dotfiles on GitHub provides many advantages:

  • Backup of your most important files and personal customizations
  • As a developer your personalized fine tuned shell experience is key to productivity
  • Take all your familiar preferences, aliases, scripts, env vars and configurations anywhere
  • Work the same way locally, in a cloud shell, in VSCode Devconainers, in CodeSpaces, on remote SSH hosts etc etc.

This guide has some great information: https://dotfiles.github.io/

File Index

  • .aliases.rc – All aliases go here (used with Bash and Zsh)
  • .banner.rc – Logon banner message (used with Bash and Zsh)
  • .bashprompt.rc – Bash prompt, like a poor mans p10k for Bash, disable with BASIC_PROMPT=1
  • .bashrc – Bash setup/startup script
  • .env.rc – Environmental vars and PATH settings, symlinked to ~/.bashenv & ~/.zshenv
  • .gitconfig.example – Git config example, use as a reference
  • .p10k.zsh – Customized Powerlevel10k prompt settings
  • .profile – Untouched but synced just in case
  • .zshrc – Zsh setup/startup script, enables Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k
  • backup.sh – Git add, commit and push to GitHub to backup everything :)
  • install-zsh.sh – Installs Zsh for you
  • install.sh – Main dotfile install script, run this on any new system you clone into
  • update.sh – Pulls latest version from GitHub and overwrites local changes


💥 FIRST! FORK THIS REPO! DON'T TRY TO USE A CLONE. If you insist on cloning it, remove the origin remote to disconnect from my GitHub

Clone into ~/dotfiles

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/<your-account>/dotfiles-kit.git dotfiles

Install zsh if it's not already installed, there's a script to help but it won't change the default shell, you need to run chsh for that.

cd ~

Now run main install script, which will install p10k, 'Oh My Zsh' & set up the various dotfiles symlinks etc If you have an existing .gitconfig in $HOME it will be copied to this repo and symlinked as well.

cd ~

Place any secrets, and local overrides and anything else you don't want to be public into ~/.local.rc But DO NOT add this file to the repo or commit to git

Backup & syncing changes