- 1
Kubeview does not work on ARM
#113 opened by solarisfire - 4
[CVE-2022-45933] Critical Security Issue that could lead to full cluster takeover
#95 opened by OmniSl4sh - 3
Image will not build
#114 opened by solarisfire - 0
Export Functionality
#112 opened by madhu2852 - 0
option to create graphviz dot file snapshot
#111 opened by bytebeast - 3
kubeview interface is continuously loading
#110 opened by NiceMattHui - 1
Kubernetes API error
#83 opened - 1
- 0
[enhancement]Add highlighting arrows.
#68 opened by AkshayAwate - 0
Feature: Visualize Service communication
#108 opened by Pavaningithub - 0
Kubeview Docker Extension
#107 opened by ajeetraina - 1
Multiple k8s clusters
#106 opened by ssnmworld - 1
Check sum mismatch error when running the server
#100 opened by joymon - 1
No Instruction for installation?
#90 opened by vahid-rms - 0
- 0
- 8
Issue with new Kubernetes/Ingress Controller
#78 opened by sohnaeo - 11
Some elements are greyed out
#80 opened by apgapg - 1
Show pod logs
#51 opened by benc-uk - 1
- 1
- 0
[Helm] Support service annotations
#72 opened by KIVagant - 1
Update Docker image in Dockerhub
#70 opened by KIVagant - 1
non / path Ingress causing failures
#65 opened by kaladinstorm84 - 0
- 0
configmap/secret Objects are missing
#58 opened by sohnaeo - 1
- 2
do not show all pods
#28 opened by Perfect-Web - 3
- 4
serving from /kubeview
#24 opened by marmelin - 2
Bookmarkable URL
#30 opened by scottc-git - 0
Unable to add node / link
#54 opened by psych0d0g - 0
- 2
Hide Secrets
#50 opened by sohnaeo - 1
Wrong version in the default values
#48 opened by sosukeinu - 1
Add "ingressClassName" to the ingress template to take advantage of k8s api changes
#49 opened by sosukeinu - 1
Release number inconsistency
#47 opened by FlipEnergy - 3
UI gets stuck when loading entrypoint
#29 opened by JonnyLewis - 1
Hide secret
#38 opened by sohnaeo - 1
Icon for ReplicaSets missing from v1.1.18
#45 opened by FlipEnergy - 1
- 2
Release 0.1.18 helm chart package issues
#42 opened by FlipEnergy - 1
Add support for loadBalancerIP in helm chart
#39 opened by FlipEnergy - 2
Make helm chart available via a repository ( and
#35 opened by mkilchhofer - 2
No Auth Provider found for name "oidc"
#34 opened by rayandasoriya - 1
- 3
Secret content is still visible via annotation
#25 opened by adidenko - 3
- 2
Upgrading to v0.1.11 throws a not found error (.kube/config: no such file or directory)
#21 opened by cmarquezrusso - 0
Adding a few resources
#15 opened by REBELinBLUE