
A base template to be used for any project

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Meta Instructions - REMOVE THIS PART

After duplicating or using this template

  • rm -rf .git
  • Remove directories not required
  • Update readme
  • Update LICENSE date & name
  • Update makefile, and uncomment suggested commands
  • Update / remove contents of api directory
  • Edit .github/workflows
  • Place code in src
  • Use sample configs for linting and other tools in sample folder

Project Title

Purpose and description of this project


  • Make a thing
  • Do a thing

Use cases & key features:

  • Something
  • Something else

Supporting technologies and libraries:

  • Stuff
  • Things

Table Of Contents

Optional. Remove TOC for smaller projects

Getting Started

Installing / Deploying

  • If the project can be installed (such as a command line tool or library)
  • Or deployed to Kubernetes, public cloud etc

Running as container

Notes on running the project from Docker image / container

Running locally

Notes on running the project locally, including pre-reqs


Optional. Diagram or description of the overall system architecture, only where applicable.


Optional. Screenshots can help convey what the project looks like when running and what it's purpose and use is.


Details of any configuration files, environmental variables, command line parameters, etc.

For services

Setting / Variable Purpose Default
PORT Port the server will listen on. 8000
SOMETHING Some very important setting. Required None
SOMETHING_ELSE Some less important setting "foo"

Example for CLI tools

./foo-tool --help

  -p, --preset <presetName>       Skip prompts and use saved or remote preset
  -d, --default                   Skip prompts and use default preset

Repository Structure

A brief description of the top-level directories of this project is as follows:

/api        - Details of the API specification & docs
/build      - Build configuration e.g. Dockerfiles
/charts     - Helm charts
/deploy     - Deployment and infrastructure as code, inc Kubernetes
/scripts    - Bash and other supporting scripts
/src        - Source code
/test       - Testing, mock data and API + load tests


See the API documentation for full infomration about the API(s).
Optional. Delete this section if project as no API.

Known Issues

List any known bugs or gotchas.

Change Log

See complete change log


This project uses the MIT software license. See full license file


Optional. Put acknowledgements and credits here, if any