
Redux reducers over Phoenix channels

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Redux reducers over Phoenix channels






npm install --save redux-reducer-channel
# or
yarn add redux-reducer-channel


import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux'
import createReducerChannelSlice from 'redux-reducer-channel'

const {
  reducer: rcReducer,
  actions: rcActions,
  selectors: rcSelectors,
  middleware: rcMiddleware,
} = createReducerChannelSlice('phoenix')

export const { connectToSocket, disconnectFromSocket, joinChannel, leaveChannel } = rcActions
export const { isConnected, getChannelState } = rcSelectors

export default () => createStore(
  combineReducers({ phoenix: rcReducer }),


connectToSocket(endPoint, opts)

Initiates a Phoenix socket connection. The options are passed on to Phoenix's Socket class creator.


Closes the existing socket connection.


Dispatched automatically by the middleware when the socket connects.


Dispatched automatically by the middleware when the socket connection is lost.


Joins a channel.


Leaves a channel.

setState(channelName, state)

Dispatched by the server when a channel is joined. This contains a snapshot of the server state at the time of connection.

patchState(channelName, patch)

Dispatched by the server when the server state is updated. Contains a JSON Patch to update the local channel state to match the new server state.



Checks whether a socket connection has been initialized.


Checks whether the socket has a connection to the server.


Checks whether a given channel has been joined.

getChannelState(channelName, initialState)

Retrieves the state for a given channel. If the channel hasn't been joined or the server's state hasn't been retrieved yet it returns the initialState instead.


The reducer maintains a cache of any number of channel states. It is predominantly managed by the middleware.

It's state should not be accessed directly, but instead through the provided selectors.


The middleware wraps a Phoenix socket connection and any number of open channels and manages keeping the reducer updated as server traffic arrives.

It also intercepts channel actions. A channel action is a normal Redux action with a meta.phoenixChannel property. These actions are dispatched to the server over channel specified by that property. Channel actions are then passed on through the rest of the middleware stack to the reducer.

When it has dispatched a channel action the middleware will return a promise for the server's response. The promise will not resolve until after any state updates caused by the dispatched action have been synchronized to the reducer. Note, though, that it can reject with either a server error or a timeout.

createChannelAction(actionType, channelName, payloadCreator)

Creates an action creator for channel actions of type actionType which will be dispatched to the specified channelName.

An optional payloadCreator can be provided, in which case the generated action creator will take the same arguments as the payloadCreator and use the payloadCreator's return value as the payload of the created action.

As a developer affordance, channel action creators provide their action type as both a custom toString() method and a type property. They also have an isAction(action) Typescript typeguard method to facilitate type safe access to the payload.