
Cookbook example of deploying Nginx and PHP-FPM with Puppet and Hiera

Primary LanguagePuppet


Cookbook example of deploying Nginx and PHP-FPM with Puppet and Hiera.

This is a complete example of how to use Puppet (tested with 3.8.5) with Hiera together with profiles and roles to deploy Nginx and PHP-FPM. In addition we will be installing Server Density agent for monitoring.


We need a working Puppet setup, a good howto on this is: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-puppet-to-manage-your-server-infrastructure


We will be using some 3rd party modules:

$ sudo puppet module install jfryman-nginx --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules
$ sudo puppet module install mayflower-php --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules
$ sudo puppet module install serverdensity-serverdensity_agent --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules


There is still some space for further improvements:

  • Use of different environments (dev, staging, production)
  • Plenty of generic configuration is on the node YAML, could be moved into role defaults


Please fork and send your improvements via PRs.