
Infrastructure code for benchttp.

Primary LanguageHCL


This repository holds the code for our infrastructure and GitHub repositories.

Repository structure

Each infrastructure block is defined in a directory with Terraform modules.

Inside you will find:

  • the entry point inside main.tf
  • the expected variables to configure the infrastructure inside variables.tf
  • an example of the actual variables definition inside terraform.tfvars.example


Set up your local environment

Move to the directory of the desired block:

cd block

Rename copy terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars and replace its values with the correct ones.

cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

By using your own environment, you can deploy an exact copy of the solution as your own. To work with Benchttp original solution, reach one of the repository owners.

Deploy the infrastructure

Note: the following instructions expect your current direcorty is the directory matching the desired block.

Initialize Terraform if not done already:

terraform init

Plan the infrastructure without actually making any real world changes (i.e. a dry run):

terraform plan

Apply the infrastructure and introduce changes to the currently deployed system:

terraform apply

Refer to the Terraform docs for further documentation.