
Related Paper:

  • Constantin Enke, Jan-Felix Klein, Marvin Sperling, Benchun Zhou. Development of an Experimental Environment to Study the Challenges in Cyber-Physical Intralogistics Systems[C]//2022 Logistic Journal. [Link] [PDF] [Slide]

  • If you use the code in your academic work, please cite the above paper.

This repository shows the Simulation of the logistics environment with Isaac Sim. picture

update 20230503 add json file


  1. create python environment:

create a python environment (conda) for isaac sim with the tutorial.

Then, you can write a simple script to activate the python environment.

I provide an example at "additional/"

  1. Configuring RMPflow controller for manipulater(uArm)

find the file:


add the following item:

		"RMPflow" : "./uArm/config.json"

create or copy uArm folder ("addition/uArm") to the config folder

build and run the project

build the project

git clone
catkin build

run the project

source devel/setup.bash
python scripts/

open another terminal, you can run

rostopic list
python scripts/

test individual robots

after building, you can test single robot by running:

source devel/setup.bash
python scripts/ 
# python scripts/ 
# python scripts/ 
# python scripts/ 

for each robot, we also have corresponding clients:

source devel/setup.bash
python scripts/uarm/ 
# python scripts/turtlebot/ 
# python scripts/slider/ 
# python scripts/conveyor/ 


all models are save at src/